Didn't really watch much tv tonight. Had no interest in One Tree Hill Does Columbine, no Invasion and I seriously wasn't going to watch another goddamn Barbara Walters special.
I guess someone finally smacked JJ Abrams upside the head with the lack of female interaction, or he's totally taking cues from BSG. Sure, there wasn't *any* Ana-Lucia but now femmeslashers have no excuse *not* to write Lost femmeslash 'cuz, yippee, the women finally had screentime..together..without the boys!!
I like to think of this episode as 'the interesting shit that goes on during the Un-Holy Trinity eps'. Shit happened. Questions were answered. The flashbacks had a purpose other than filler. Ethan! Danielle! Claire/Kate slash! *sigh* I remember when Emilie da Ravin was on Roswell, she and Katherine Heigl had such slashy subtext. Now I know it wasn't just Katie who brings the slash!
Claire - she really is the opposite of Rousseau isn't she? Sure, she went a little overboard with the 'something's wrong with Aaron' but the others, I mean 'the men', have been a bit dismissive of Claire's concerns. And it was a nice change of pace to watch her take charge of her own destiny. While, in the end, Aaron may or may not have had a simple virus. Doesn't change the fact that now Claire, and the audience, knows something was done to her and Aaron. Something that can't be dismissed as simple motherly hysteria. The Others have a vested interest in Aaron.
Kate - I know most of fandom hates her but dammit, I like Kate (and no, it's not just the shallow viewer in me). This ep really highlights how much the character has faltered because TPTB decided to keep Jack. Narratively, Kate's still a bit lost, no pun intended, but when the character actually has shit to do, she really shines. She really does have a protective streak when it comes to Claire. If this were another show where The Penis Didn't Reign Supreme, it'd be interesting to watch this relationship develop. Although, asking Sawyer for a gun and telling him he couldn't ask why was kinda dumb. But, that's more PTB shipper bullshit, so I'm ignoring it. Whether or not Kate actually gave *back* the gun is the real question. Oh, and Kate, when you pull a gun on Rousseau, you better be fucking prepared to shoot! The woman's batshit insane, had her child stolen and killed all her friends, do you really think pulling a gun on her is going to scare her?
Jack and Locke - God, you guys *really* suck at keeping secrets don't you? And Locke, you really sucked at noticing when you're being played, don't you? I mean, COME ON, you know something squirrelly is going on with Gary in the Box and you *still* fucking fall for his manipulations! Fucking dumbass. Jack going down is expected. I'm starting to look forward to when Locke goes down.
Mr. Ecko - really highlights how much Jack and Locke suck. I loved him asking why they have to push the button. He has his morals, and his own code of ethics. But, that does not mean he won't do what needs to be done. His conversation with Gary in the Box was revelatory, heartbreaking and chilling. Plus, he really needs to ditch the shirt!
OH, and in case I haven't mentioned it before, Hawai'i is really effin' beautiful. And to think these assholes* get paid to live there.
*when I say assholes, I mean it in the I'm so totally jealous way!