Wed TV Time

May 03, 2006 22:09

Lost - Well..fuck!! Why is it that the best eps of this show are when somebody dies? Argh, and why can't they have the balls to kill Sawyer? Or Hurley, because his nebbish fatguy routine is really starting to annoy me. And, goddammit, they're gonna have to start killing off some of the guys because my 'this show really *is* pretty fucking sexist' theory is starting to really chap my ass. I guess the lesson here is - if you get arrested and you're a woman, you should be fired. If you get arrested (or bad mouth the show to the press) and you're a guy (and *cute*), well, we wouldn't wanna disappoint the fangirls now would we? Okay, maybe that's not completely true but, still, it sure doesn't look good for TPTB.

Goodbye Ana-Lucia, you poor dead, hot as a hot thing! I'll miss you and your incredibly tight pants, sexy shoulders and butchy, Benson-esque swagger. Goodbye Libby, you poor dead, possibly bat-shit crazy woman!

Dear Michelle, when I win the lottery and start my production company devoted to action-oriented lesbian tv shows and movies, you're name's at the top of my people to call list. Hope you don't mind making out with Dina Meyer!

Alias, or as I like to call it - how many girlfriends can one woman lose in an hour?

Jesus Case!! What was this - kill all the hot women night? And poor Sydney, first she loses her girlfriend/sister to Nadia's batshit crazy father. Then, the bitter ex-girlfriend kills Syd's *other* girlfriend. Dammit, is this the penance we lesbians have to pay for gleefully watching Vaughn get shot over and over and over..ahh, I love the rewind button!

Goodbye Nadia, sure you couldn't act for shit but *damn* were you hot. And had totally inappropriate, mad-hot chemistry with your sister! Goodbye Renee, you crazy, sexy-cool French woman. Goodbye Anna. Okay, you're not technically dead but I'm pretty certain Sydney's not gonna wanna have sex anymore due to the whole Freudian thing with you looking like her and all. Sure, Sydney making out with her sister is kinda squicky...but hot. But, Sydney making out with her double is just plain weird.

Look out Rachel, I fear you may be next.

fandom: alias, fandom: lost

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