This morning I woke up tired and sore, but elated! The Gallery reception was fantastic, and the beginning of a very good thing. It was well received and we had over 200 people come through to view the artwork. My rose and pig as bathroom signs were well received and added a bit of humor to the gallery. The wine poured freely (although not into my glass - doc says NO alcohol) and the cookies literally flew off the platters.
Now I am stuck with a conundrum - the only framed artwork I have left are pieces I can't part with - my gargoyle, my Belly Dancer, Monkey Business (a very early piece) and a nude study I did with permission from a fantastic photography website (that one will never be for sale) So now I sit here with only a few prints as inventory - what's a gal to do! Luckily if I need inspiration I just have to stroll down to the gallery and look at the amazing collection down there to remind myself to get back into my studio and let the creativity flow!! I am allowed to demo my artwork while I work as hostess on the weekends - perfect I think!
My next pieces I'll be tackling include - a study on a beautiful photo of an iris a friend requested, my Rooster I will be doing for the show in October here at the library, and a couple of baby photo's that have been on the back burner for some friends for a few months now. Enough to keep me busy for certain! Only one of those could go into the gallery though - time to put my "get things done" hat on and crank out some real work - no excuses!! I'll have to make sure all the wall space I've dedicated to for the kids gallery is cleared and ready for work to = nothing inspires my two boys like their mom busy making artwork!
My webpage has been updated - and as soon as we figure out the glitches it will be viewable by the public - you can view it at - that one still works, and the other one should be live soon.
Well time to get caught up on the mundane things I've neglected getting the gallery going, and then I can work guilt free while my youngest is in kindergarten for 2 hours (my blessed 2 hours a day *sighs happily*) *chuckles* nothing like real life!! I choose to make lemonade!
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." Steve Prefontane - co-creator of Niki
Happy creating!
Tina Nordloh