Kalembura sxerco // Punny joke

Oct 10, 2008 10:43

Kalembura sxerco

Punny joke

Mi sendis sxercon al Radio Verda, kiun ili jxus aperigis en la 133-a epizodo. La sxerco (kompreneble) estas amuza pro kalemburo. Per lauxvortaj tradukoj kaj klarigoj mi provis komprenigi la sxercon al miaj krokodilaj kunlogxantoj, Scott kaj Tam. Evidente mi sukcesis cxar, post unu-du tagoj, ili elpensis la jenan interpreton en la angla. Kvankam gxi rilatas al malsama mangxajxo, la esenco de la sxerco estas sama. Kaj gxi estas suficxe brila. Jen:

I sent a joke to Radio Verda, which they just published in the 133rd episode. The joke is funny because of a pun (of course). I tried to make it understandable to my non-Esperanto-speaking roommates, Scott and Tam, with literal translations and explanations. Apparently I succeeded because, a day or two later, they had thought up the following interpretation. Although it has to do with a different food, the essence of the joke is the same. And it's pretty brilliant. Behold:

Aaron and Charlene go to a restaurant for breakfast. When their food arrives, Charlene notices a hair stuck to her toast. Aaron sees a fly on his. "Waiter!" he complains "Our toast is awry!" Without even looking at it, the waiter replies "I'm sorry, did you want sourdough instead?"
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