Malkuragxigaj indikoj // Discouraging indications

Oct 05, 2008 04:21

Malkuragxigaj indikoj

Discouraging indications

Antaux kelkaj jaroj, forlasonte laboron, mi prognozis ke, se mi restus cxe la laborejo, mi igxus tia homo, kia macxas aspirinon kaj glutigas gxin per nigra kafo (sen kremo, sen sukero). Hodiaux, cxe mia nuntempa laborejo, mi iom horore rimarkis ke mi faris gxuste tion. Cxu tio eble estas indiko ke mi ja trovu novan postenon aliloke?
A few years back, before leaving a job, I figured that if I were to stay there, I was going to become the sort of person who chews aspirin and washes it down with black cofee. Today, at my current job, I realized, a bit to my horror, that I was doing just that. Is that, perhaps, an indication that I really should find a new job somewhere else?

Malgraux pluraj malsamaj instrukcioj per malsamaj metodoj, mi ankoraux ne sukcesis registri telefonvokon Skajpan. Tial mi ankoraux ne starigis mian podkaston...
Despite multiple different instructions using different approaches, I've still not managed to record a Skype phone call. And thus I have not yet started my podcast...

Mi povus plendi plu pri aliaj aferoj, sed anstataux mi eble dormu (se eblas).
I could go on in that vein on other topics, but perhaps I should sleep, instead (if that's possible).

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