Rachel's here!

Jun 09, 2008 17:09

One of Mia's best friends Rachel (x-Philly girl now living in Spain) came up to Paris to hang out with us! It's so great to meet up with someone you know so far from home.

Here's Rachel and Mia walking through a really pretty passageway.

Today Phine had her first crepe and gave it an enthusiastic "I like it!"

The 4 of us took the Metro to Île Saint-Louis to get ice cream at Glacier Berthillon. Oh and on Île Saint-Louis I saw my first fixie. The dude riding it was in full bike messenger attire.

Phine loves public transportation. When the train pulls into the Metro station she seriously thinks it's the best thing ever. And when we have to switch trains she says "Another Metro! Another Metro!" She also loves it when she gets to take the bus home from work. She could be a spokesperson for SEPTA.

I forgot to mention that we were originally going to Paris for work, but at the very last minute the client canceled. So this is our first trip out of the country in several years that hasn't been for work. I gotta say...it is so nice to not have a vacation tacked on the end of the stress of a work trip. Sometimes the work bleeds into the vacation and it's hard to shake the stress.

Question of the day: Why do gutterpunks around the world feel the need to own a dog or two? Wouldn't they not want the added responsibility?

france2008, phine, friends, europe, travel, food, paris

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