Title: The Death of Me
Fandoms: Smallville and Twilight
Pairings: Rosalie/Oliver, Bella/Edward, plus a hint of past Emmett/Rosalie
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: AU/FutureFic. Angst?
Summary: “You know, you’ll be the death of me?”
Notes: Written for my 25 Days of Christmas Drabble-a-thon thingy for
brokengem prompt Oliver/Rosalie - Time Is Running Out by MUSE. Also written for
7_crossovers prompt Time. Ok, one of my new favorite crossovers! ♥ Haha, what crossover ISN'T one of my favorites?!?!? That is the question! HAHA THIS ONE'S ON TIME!!! BWAHAHA!!
...Table... ]
the death of me........ )