Title: Never ending days
Fandom: Smallville, X-Men
Author: vodooman/ boredlittlestudent
Rating: g
Genre: Crossover, Romance
Characters/Pairings: Chloe/Scott, Chloe/Warren (one sided)
Short summary: Some days were better than others
Disclaimer: Smallville and its characters and X-Men and its characters aren’t mine. I only write fan fiction.
A/N: I always liked the Chloe/Scott pairing… But at the same time I like the Chloe/Warren one sided ship… it has something sad and yet sweet to it…
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Frosty Queen
Fandom: Smallville, X-Men
Author: vodooman / boredlittlestudent
Rating: G
Genre: Crossover
Characters/Pairings: Oliver Queen/Emma Frost
Short summary: Doc, help me! I think I might have a serious problem
Any warnings: None…
Disclaimer: X-Men not mine, Smallville not mine, Oliver Queen not mine…
A/N: I really wanted to try out a different pairing for once… Yes this is Chloe and Scott free…
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