Smallville/Twilight: Rosalie/Oliver: "The Death of Me"

Dec 09, 2008 21:27

Title: The Death of Me
Fandoms: Smallville and Twilight
Pairings: Rosalie/Oliver, Bella/Edward, plus a hint of past Emmett/Rosalie
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: AU/FutureFic. Angst?
Summary: “You know, you’ll be the death of me?”
Notes: Written for my 25 Days of Christmas Drabble-a-thon thingy for brokengem prompt Oliver/Rosalie - Time Is Running Out by MUSE. Also written for 7_crossovers prompt Time. Ok, one of my new favorite crossovers! ♥ Haha, what crossover ISN'T one of my favorites?!?!? That is the question! HAHA THIS ONE'S ON TIME!!! BWAHAHA!!
[ ...Table... ]

“You know, you’ll be the death of me?” Oliver asked quietly murmured against her cold chest. He was still slightly panting from their earlier actions.

Rosalie sadly chuckled. “Yes.”

“Never thought I’d fall this hard in love with someone,” Ollie admitted again. Rosalie, if she had a beating heart, knew that it would have jumped for joy at that confession. But it didn’t… there was no heart in her or at least a beating one.

“I didn’t think I could ever fall in love with a human…” Rosalie admitted quietly, just aloud enough for his human ears to hear it. After Emmett and her had a falling out a few years ago, she hadn’t believed that she would ever fall in love again period. But as soon as she found Oliver… it was like Edward and Bella all over again. He too had a certain smell to him that especially appealed to her, just like Bella had to Edward.

“So, my beautiful vampire, how long are you staying here?” Oliver asked, trying to make it a light subject. He didn’t want her to leave, but he knew she couldn’t stay here long. It was just too sunny here in Star City.

“I don’t know,” Rosalie stated, studying his face. She didn’t want to leave either, but she knew she had to. The stupid sun would blow her cover and she already overstayed then she had planned in the first place. However she just didn’t want to leave him, and she knew he wasn’t ready to be a vampire yet, not that she’d really prefer him to become a vampire - she wasn’t going to change him, not unless he was absolutely certain. She knew for certain that she would know exactly how Bella and Edward had felt when he had left to protect her if she left Ollie now and that was the last thing she wanted.

Oliver nodded and he silently wondered if he would have the strength to let her go by herself or would he follow her? He knew he had to stay, if only for a little bit longer, until Clark or Bruce was finally ready to lead the league. Then he could go, if Rose wanted him to be with him, with her back to her home and become a vampire so he could be with her forever.

“Ready for round two?” Rosalie questioned, clearly trying to divert the seriousness of the past few minutes. Ollie gladly accepted and grinned at her.

“Of course.”


twilight: crossover, twilight, smallville: crossover, smallville, twilight: edward/bella, -2008, smallville: oliver, twilight: rosalie, -rated pg13

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