Fic: You Just Can't Do that

Sep 16, 2017 18:41

Title: You Just Can't Do That
Disclaimer: I don't own em.
Rating: PG-13-ish
Warnings: Douchebage Finn, Langauge
Word count: 1,300-ish
Summary: Done for This Prompt at the glee angst meme
A/N: I've been laid up in recovery mode after a surgery, so I figured I might as well finish up some fics I had laying around.

It all started because Finn overheard a random rumor, something about Kurt and Karofsky, but he doesn’t pay it much mind. There’s always something going on with those two, so he doesn't think about it. He doesn’t really take much notice of it, as it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal. That is until some of the other glee kids start making small comments on the situation, and Rachel approaches him directly about doing something about it.

It isn’t until he sees a text conversation Kurt’s having with that kid from Dalton he’s been texting and hanging out with. Something about what Karofsky had done wasn’t just an unwanted kiss, it was assault.That he really begins to think about what those rumors were about. He sits on this new information for a few days, letting the words fester in his brain and he starts getting angry the others are getting on him about not helping.

He confronts Kurt about it after getting another text from Rachel about how disappointed she was. He headed up into the kitchen where he finds Kurt sitting with Sam and Mike working on homework. He’s furious suddenly, and it doesn’t matter that Sam and Mike are sitting right there, they should probably hear about this too.

“How could you?!” He demanded and Kurt looks up obviously confused.

“What’s the problem?” Kurt asked and Finn grabbed him and yanked him to his feet, ignoring Kurt’s noise of anger and the protests that come from Sam and Mike.

“You turned Karofsky gay!" Finn shouted in his face, and Kurt jerked away from him. "You play the victim, but clearly, you turned him gay and that’s why he kissed you! That isn’t ok Kurt, you can’t just be doing that!”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Sam snapped surging to his feet. Just as Mike yelled;

“Karofsky did what?!”

“I saw those text messages between you and that preppy kid!” Finn yelled. “Don’t play dumb, you can’t turn people gay and then act like a victim if they act on it.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Mike said looking appalled.

“That isn’t ok what you did!” Finn yelled. “You did something, people like Karofsky, they aren’t suddenly gay, what did you do? Were you trying to teach him a lesson or something, or maybe you were trying to get yourself a boyfriend and it didn’t--”

Finn’s head snapped back as the fist falls squarely on his nose. At first, he thinks it’s Sam or Mike, but then he sees Mike pulling Kurt back and he realized that Kurt probably just broke his nose. Before he can say anything, Kurt is talking.

“How is it possible anyone can be in high school and be as stupid as you are? How do you keep advancing grades you poor excuse for a person?” Kurt asked and the tone of his voice scared Finn a little.


“Shut up. I know your mother raised you better than this. You would think after the room debacle you would have learned.” Kurt took in a deep breath and turned toward Sam and Mike.

“I’m very sorry you had to be here for this.”

“What the fuck is the matter with you!?” Sam yelled, and Finn realized in surprise, he’s being the one yelled at.

“The matter with me!? But Kurt-”

“Was assaulted!”

Sam and Finn dissolved into a screaming match and Mike dragged Kurt into the living room.

“I’m sorry,” Mike said and Kurt looked up at him.


“I’m sorry that happened to you and that you couldn’t tell us about it. I’m sorry we’ve been lousy friends to you. You shouldn’t have had to seek out a kid from an entirely different town to have your back. We should have had your back the moment things got hairy.”

“It wasn’t your fight. I never expected anyone to try and fight my battles or even help me. I think I always expected someone would blame me for it happening.” And that admittance infuriated Mike even more. Kurt shouldn’t have to worry about someone blaming him. A loud crash came from the Kitchen, and both turned their heads as Sam dragged Finn through the door.

“You’re supposed to be better than this!” Sam yelled. Finn finally broke the hold and stood there angrily before Mike squared off with him.

“I’m going to use little words here.” Mike began and Finn shifted a bit. “What you just did is called victim-blaming. It’s the reason so many assaults go unreported, because of people like you. People who pass it off on the victim instead of their assailant. What happened between Karofsky and Kurt was in no way Kurt’s fault. If Karofsky is closeted that’s his business, but he had no right to do what he did, just like you have no right to defend his actions by putting them on Kurt.”

“I didn’t do that!” Finn objected.

“Yes, you did.” Kurt rebuffed. “You asked me how I could do it, how I could make him gay and then play the victim. The only reason I even confronted him at all was that I was tired of always being covered in bruises from him going out of his way to hurt me! I guess I shouldn’t have provoked him there too. I’m sorry my faggotry is such a nuisance to you.” Finn shifted uncomfortably.

“You shouldn’t-”

“What, call himself that?” Sam interrupted. “Because that’s what you said. That he turned Karofsky gay. That it was his fault that he kissed him. That it wasn’t ok. You’re right, what Karofsky did was not ok, and what you’re doing, that’s not ok either.”

“I didn’t mean it like that.” Finn protested and three very unimpressed looks were set upon him. “I just meant and if Kurt wasn’t…”

“What? If I wasn’t what? You had no problem saying it before.” Kurt said.

“I think this has been taken out of proportion.” Finn hedged and Kurt shook his head.

“No, you just didn’t expect to get called out.” Finn shifted. “You probably thought you were going to browbeat me, tell me to stay away from him, ignoring the reality of the situation that he stalks me, and tell me to stop being such a spectacle.”

“What you weren’t expecting,” Mike cut in “Was for Sam and me to take Kurt’s side. Just because you happen to be the quarterback of the football team doesn’t mean we’ll blindly follow you. What you said was horrendous and cruel, and make me think I never really knew you in the first place.”

“That isn’t-”

“Yes, it was,” Sam interjected.

“Sam, Kurt, let’s go to my place.” Mike suggested and the two other boys followed him to the kitchen to gather their school books. Finn arrived just in time to hear Mike ask if Kurt’s dad would let him stay over.

“Probably. I’ll text him really quick.”

“Oh, now you’re just being dumb.” Finn snapped. “What afraid you can’t leave him with me?”

“Yes.” Mike said flatly and Finn faltered.

“My dad said it was fine, give me five minutes and I’ll be ready to go.” Kurt said, heading towards his room.

“Maybe you should take this time to educate yourself on just what you did and come up with one hell of an apology.” Mike suggested. Finn watched open-jawed when Kurt returned and the three left the house.

Finn stormed around the house angrily look for something to destroy without getting in trouble for it. In the end, he called Rachel, surely she would understand that he wasn’t all those horrible things Mike and Sam said he was.

He was very wrong, Rachel did not understand and she agreed with them, hung up on him, and then proceeded to send him a novel of a text breaking down what exactly that he did. He finally decided to just go watch TV, maybe that would make the heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach go away.

It didn’t.

sam, mike, kurt, prompt, finn, fic

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