Smallish update and a see-ya of sorts.

Aug 31, 2011 22:55

The past few days have just been crappy. Put under a cut.

I'm tired. )

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ta_ta_4_now September 7 2011, 00:27:35 UTC
Hi. don't really know me. And that's ok, because I don't really know you either aside from what's been posted on LJ. I decided to leave you a comment here though, to let you know a few things. First, the original reason I started reading your journal was because of the stories, which are fabulous and heartbreaking all at once. You are an amazing writer, and I hope that you never loose that, even if you never post anything publicly again. Second of all, congrats to you and Michelle and the baby.
I guess the third thing I wanted to say to you may sound strange coming from a complete stranger. I know that I cannot offer you any advice on how to deal with your mother, your ex, the uncalled for comments, the homophobes, the ignorant, and the other stresses of your life that you have not heard already, but I still felt that I needed to tell you that there are people who love and support and celebrate not only you, but your life choice. Through your ramblings, your ventings, and your stories your strength and bravery has come through. I know that you have given some people on my end the courage to be brave themselves, and I also know that you have taught some people on my end compassion towards a life style that before they saw as wrong. You may not have meant to, but you have provided some previously ignorant people with some answers that have helped them become more accepting and loving towards others. You have shown them how the love between two people is just that, love, and you have also shown them that violence can come in many forms and that it should never be expected or tolerated. I basically wanted to say thank you, and to let you know that if it helps you to know that despite the ignorance you and your family are facing currently, you have helped educated people and create tolerance somewhere else. I wish the best for you and your family, and I think I want to end this in a really cliched well as stolen it from a movie. But, in this instance, I think it works.

"But what I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that, even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you."


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