I was pleasantly surprised when I broke down and got an LJ account how many wonderful people it would allow me to me. I've been UNpleasantly surprised by how the somewhat ephemeral nature of the form means that I have to say goodbye to said wonderful people. Instead, I'll just tell you to take care of yourself, sweetie. :)
Hi. So...you don't really know me. And that's ok, because I don't really know you either aside from what's been posted on LJ. I decided to leave you a comment here though, to let you know a few things. First, the original reason I started reading your journal was because of the stories, which are fabulous and heartbreaking all at once. You are an amazing writer, and I hope that you never loose that, even if you never post anything publicly again. Second of all, congrats to you and Michelle and the baby
( ... )
It's very sad to see you leave, honey, because you're a very good friend, and one of the best people I've ever had the fortine to know, even if it is through a computer screen. I love you, sweetie. Don't ever forget that. I cannot think of two better people to bring a child into this troubled world, and from the bottom of my heart I wish you all the best.
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