Smallish update and a see-ya of sorts.

Aug 31, 2011 22:55

The past few days have just been crappy. Put under a cut.

So as my last update stated, my computer most likely has crapped out. I have one more thing to try before I may have to send it to the great computer god in the sky. That's annoying, but considering soon enough I won't have much time to use it unless I'm working, which I can technically do from the laptop but still I don't want to download things onto Michelle's laptop that she won't use or anything.

My mother and her crazy has started to come back in the form of letters, prayer chains, and I even got a "You're a fag" call. I also got several letters and calls about how unnatural my child is going to be, and really that's just not ok. I have saved them all and will be turning them over to my lawyer for copies to give to the police, but as if I'm not exhausted enough I have to deal with her heaping pile of crazy. I even had one person tell me that Michelle and I couldn’t actually be married because we’re not “normal” people.

My ex decided he wanted to get in on that action, so he actually made a bunch of fliers and plastered them all over the community we live in, pretty much outing us if people didn’t already know. Great. It’s very frustrating and it’s just so damn stupid. I’m trying not to get to upset over any of it because I don’t want to stress out the baby or anything.

Then I find out that Michelle is being called out for about a week on assignment that she couldn’t really tell me about. Which sucks, because I’m tired and very pregnant at this point. My brother, as usual, as been assigned to baby-sit me, with my SIL and niece coming along to help sometimes. She leaves tomorrow which sucks and I just…I’m bummed out and I’m stressed out while trying not to be.

I’m also generally annoyed by something I found out recently that is stupid to be annoyed by, but I can’t help but be irritated.

I hate to say it, but really I wouldn’t expect to see me around much for a good long while. I might post if I have the sudden urge to write a story, or if I want to update you guys, but really, don’t expect to hear from me to much. I have just a bit over a month before my due date, and still have things to do. I do want to thank those of you who have sent me such sweet messages though!
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