She's heeeeere...

Sep 26, 2011 09:11

Well my due date was October 10th, but my little girl apparently just could not wait! She was born on September 12th at 8:47 in the morning. It went down like this…put behind a cut incase of TMI

I woke up around 6:45 or so, and realized my mucus plug was coming out. I wasn’t that concerned because I was told that can happen up to two weeks prior to delivery. Within about 5 minutes or so I had my bloody show. I start throwing things into a bag to at least have something put together. My water gave its first initial burst around then, and the contracts get bad enough I can’t actually stand up straight or speak particularly coherently during them. I realized I couldn’t get myself to the hospital, and I couldn’t seem to get a hold of Michelle, so I dialed 911. Apparently if you say I’m pregnant and I’m in labor, they send everyone. Slightly awkward, seeing as I knew most of them.

Here lies the first problem, I’m upstairs, I can’t get downstairs and the door is locked. So the police kicked the door in. The officer who did it just kept going “Sorry Sarah, sorry.” And I just wanted them to take me to the hospital lol. Michelle managed to catch a ride with a responding officer, and arrived to the hospital about 5 minutes after I did. About ten minutes after that, our little girl made her grand entrance into the world.

All seemed good and glorious, until our hospital screwed us. They ran the Billirubin test (For Jaundice) which came back dangerously high. They ran it again, and it was even higher. They discharged us with instructions to go have the test done again the next day. Though they did not bother to tell us what is was for though we asked (And were told it was routine)or what the results were. We followed the directions, and that lab sent the results to our pediatrician, who asked us to come in immediately and from there they sent us to another hospital. They started her on the billilights, and the levels were so high by that point we had to be flighted to the big hospital in the big town. They were talking about blood transfusions and brain damage. Luckily, things did not take that turn, the people at the hospital were really great and they really went out of their way to not only make sure she was ok, but to make sure we were ok too. Made sure I got out of the room sometimes, things like that.

We were in the hospital for just shy of a week. She was on a feeding tube, and under all those lights. We were in the PICU for 3 days before we were sent to a regular room. She did a sudden abrupt face one day and began eating by mouth when I tried to feed her and just got better and better from there. We didn’t have to wake her up every 3 hours to feed her, she started waking up herself, and they let us go home. She’s doing just fine now. (Even if she did keep me up all night last night refusing to sleep unless it was against my chest)

Also, BoysinPeril deserves some props because she knew and was so good and kept it to herself and didn’t blast it out all over LJ like I’m sure she wanted too!

So that’s it, that’s how my little girl made her way into the world. She had a rough start, the first two weeks were rough, but she’s doing so much better now, and she’s eating like a champ! I just thought I’d like you guys know, and I’ll get a picture up one of these days!
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