Well this isn't a fic, just a little blog type thingy...
Lookit, I got a new mood set, it's by
kiligfactor, and it's of Neil Patrick Harris in How I met your Mother.
Now this may come as a shock to some of you, but Glee is not the only show in my life. I know perish that very thought, but tis true! I am also an avid How I met your Mother fan! (You can blame
ShadowFoxFlame for that) How I met your Mother, I love that show and more importantly I love Neil Patrick Harris, and rumor has it he might guest on Glee.
And if that happens, I may very well die of the awesome.
But I decided I wanted a mood set, and since I stumbled upon this one, well yeah not only is it the awesomeness that is NPH, it's animated!
So yeah that's probably gonna be sticking around for a while. ;)