Fic: Eight Days a Week-Chapter 1

Jan 30, 2010 14:06

Title: Eight Days a Week
Disclaimer: I don't own em, I if I did glee would probably have to be on a different channel.
Rating: Probably PG-13ish overall
Warnings: None for this chapter.
Word count: 1479
Summary: After Burt has a heart attack, Kurt finds himself stretched a little to thin.
A/N: OMG It's not a prompt! I know, I can hardly believe it either. Beta'd by gleeker13 Thank you dahl-ing!

Kurt Hummel was having a bad day.

He had not only been thrown in the dumpster, but once he had managed to clean himself up he had been slushied, so he actually needed to change because he had been unable to get himself cleaned up. Somehow, the grape ones always seemed to be harder to get out of his clothes. Three of his assignments had been ruined by the dumpster toss when his bag had been chucked in after him. If that wasn’t bad enough, for some weird reason Puck had decided he was in one of his weird randomly friendly moods and sat next to him in every class they shared. Which was just strange and weird, and unsettling on a lot of levels. It certainly wasn’t making his day any better.

When Emma Pillsbury appeared in the doorway and asked for Kurt to come with her, and to bring his things, Kurt knew his bad day was about to get a whole lot worse. There were very few reasons a student was ever excused from class and asked to bring their belongings. Puck threw him what almost looked like a concerned glance as he was leaving. When he saw William Schuester standing there waiting, his feeling of unease only got worse.

“What’s wrong?” Kurt finally asked, looking between the two adults. The two shared a look before Emma set her gaze back on Kurt, her eyes sad and sympathetic and it wasn’t helping to quell the panic in Kurt’s chest at all.

“I’m so sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news Kurt.” She said gently, her tone taking on a maternal quality that was even more unsettling. “Your dad’s in the hospital, he had a heart attack.” And Kurt’s world tilts on its axis, and he stumbles a step. This just could not be happening.

“But, he’s ok right?” Kurt looks demandingly between the two, his eyes pleading for them to tell him it was nothing, he’s fine he’ll be at home by the time Kurt leaves, but he knows by the looks their throwing to each other it isn’t the case, it’s not nothing and he feels a lump form in his throat. Will sees the distress in his student’s face and gently loops an arm around Kurt’s shoulders, drawing him close in a hug.

“The doctors didn’t tell us much Kurt, just that he had been admitted.” Emma says gently, and she knows how terrible this is. If something should happen to Burt Hummel, then she actually dreaded to think what would become of Kurt. He could either be shuffled off to live with relatives, or end up in an even worse scenario.

“Come on, I’ll take you down to the hospital ok?” Kurt nods rather absently, and Will keeps a firm arm around Kurt’s shoulders as he leads him out to the car, because he really can’t imagine how awful this must be. He knew very little about Kurt if he was honest with himself. He knew that his mother had passed away years ago, and it was just him and his dad. He wasn’t aware of any other family.

The ride to the hospital is silent, and as much as Will wants to talk to him, he knows that asking if he’s ok would be stupid, obviously Kurt is not ok. He’s withdrawn into himself slightly, and his eyes are a little vacant, it’s causing Will no small amount of alarm. Once they finally get there, Kurt seems to come back to himself and he quickly heads to the nurses station to find out what’s going on. It only takes a few moments for a doctor to be summoned, and Will can’t help but watch in concern as Kurt stands rigidly waiting for any kind of information. When the doctor finally does arrive, Will moves forward to stand at Kurt’s shoulder.

“Hello Kurt,” He greets and extends his hand, which Kurt rather automatically shakes. “I’m Dr. Berry, I’ve been treating your father. All things considered he was lucky. It was a very mild attack and he got help quickly. We were able to treat him with oxygen, aspirin, and Reteplase, which is a Thrombolytic drug to help clear his arteries.” Kurt nodded and Will was impressed that Kurt actually seemed to know at least mostly what he was talking about.

“Can I see him?” Kurt’s voice sounded a little strange, like he was still drowning in panic and wouldn’t be ok until he saw his father was ok for himself. Dr. Berry nodded once and a nurse was called to take Kurt to his father. Once he was gone, Will turned to the doctor and extended his hand.

“I’m William Schuester, I’m one of Kurt’s teachers. Mr. Hummel will be alright then?” Dr. Berry shook his hand and smiled with a brief nod.

“Yes, he should be fine. We’ll keep him for a few days to monitor him, but if he follows the directions we’ll send him home with he should be just fine.” Will wilts a little in relief and knows he should call Emma to let her know, but Dr. Berry’s voice stops him before he can go.

“Mr. Schuester, you’re the glee teacher aren’t you?” Will was startled, but nodded and Dr. Berry smiled. “My daughter Rachel loves that club, thanks for giving her something like that to focus on.” His pager went off then and he frowned before nodding. “I’m sorry I have to go. It was nice to meet you and Mr. Hummel is in room four thirteen if you would like to visit.” He shakes Will’s hand again and disappears down the hall and Will is left standing awkwardly in the hall, before heading outside to use his phone.


It takes less than a day for the Glee kids to find out what happened. They rally, want to help, but Mr. Schuester quickly explains that right now, it’s best to just leave Kurt and his father alone, and to treat Kurt normally. The kids agree, reluctantly, but they figure that their teacher is right. So Mercedes just texts Kurt telling him to call her if he needs anything, and the only one who actually goes to hospital is Rachel, under the pretense that she’s visiting one of her dads.

She isn’t sure why she feels the need to, she and Kurt haven’t ever gotten along particularly well, but it’s a scary thing what he’s going through. Once she gets there she takes a moment to take it all in. Mr. Hummel seems to be asleep, and Kurt is slumped over slightly in the chair next to the bed. She isn’t sure she’s ever seen him look so disheveled before. He looks tired, and the tightness around his eyes and mouth shows that he‘s still kind of freaked out. She slides into the seat next to him before slipping her hand into his, and she’s surprised when he just links their fingers together and leans into her slightly. They sit like that for a long time, just watching Kurt’s dad sleep.

“He’s gonna be ok.” Rachel says suddenly breaking the silence, feeling the need to say something.

“I know.” But Kurt doesn’t really sound like he believes it. “He woke up for a while, talked to me, but it didn’t make much sense. The doctors said it’s normal, he’s just disoriented.” She tightens her hold on his hand, this was scary and he shouldn’t deal with it alone. She decides then that maybe Mr. Schuester was wrong and the last thing Kurt needed was to be exiled until he came back to school.

“You know the others all wanted to come see you, but we weren’t sure if it was wise to descend upon your dad’s room and all.” She tried to make her voice light, and Kurt’s lips upturned slightly before he glanced at her.

“Thank you.” And she squeezes his hand, because really she didn’t think she needed to say anything. So they just sit until her dad gets off, and she offers to take Kurt home with her, get him out of the hospital for a while. She’s not surprised when he turns her down, but thanks her anyway. She would make sure to text the others once she got home. Ask Mercedes to get Kurt a couple spare changes of clothes, since she doubted Kurt would be leaving any time soon. She knew Kurt was going to sit by his father until he was released. She expressed concern to her father, who just nodded and assured her that it was a scary thing, and that Mr. Hummel should be fine. He also mentioned he was having some of the nurses keep an eye on Kurt. She let her eyes flicker out the window, deciding she’d go back and visit tomorrow.

ms. pillsbury, burt, kurt, rating: pg-13, mr. schue, glee club, rachel, angst, wip, eight days a week, fic

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