Fic: You Better Forget it, You'll Never get It

Sep 22, 2010 13:32

Title: You Better Forget it, You'll Never Get It
Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel.
Rating: PG-13-ish probably
Warnings: some language, some stalker like tendencies, a bit of a spoilers for season two assumed character.
Characters: Kurt/Puck, Jesse, Blair (Season two character, maybe?) Sam, Mercedes, Rachel, Finn.
Word count: 2,067
Spoilers: Through season one and some for season two!
Summary: Blair liked Kurt Hummel, he just had to find a way to get close to him. Which was extremely hard to do when Puck was around.
A/N: Er, so I don't know what the hell this is. I guess it was the Blair spoilers and then I was thinking about Sam/Kurt and somehow it turned into Purt. I have no idea.

The first time Blair saw Kurt Hummel he decided that he just had to talk to him.

Which was easier to think about than actually accomplish. The New Directions kids kept tight ranks and once they saw Jesse St. James there, they closed in around Rachel Berry, who he didn’t actually know. He hadn’t taken part of the debacle that led to all the hatred between the two groups. So he bided his time and waited until after their performance. They were good; he had to give them that.

He spotted him talking to Rachel off to the side as he approached. They had done a rather stunning rendition of What is This Feeling, and he wanted to congratulate them. Or at least that’s what he told the others. As soon as they spotted him however, instantly recognizing the Vocal Adrenaline costuming, Kurt took up a rather defensive stance in front of Rachel.

“If you’re here because of Jesse, you can tell him it’s the same answer as always.” Rachel said peering over Kurt’s shoulder.

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you.” Blair said indicating Kurt who did a remarkably good job of not looking surprised. If it hadn’t been for the tightening of his jaw muscles, he never would have known.

“That’s….special.” Kurt said flatly. “But really, we should probably go.”

“Wait, just…could I talk to you for just a minute, please?”

“Go find the others ok?” Kurt said and Rachel looked hesitant. “It’s ok; I’ll be there in a minute.” Rachel hesitated for another moment before giving Kurt’s hand a quick squeeze and heading off to find the others. Kurt crossed his arms across his chest and gave Blair a look that clearly said ‘I’m waiting.’ Blair thought it was just about the cutest damn thing he’d ever seen.

“I just wanted to tell you what a great job you guys did. And well, ok, maybe I also wanted to introduce myself and chat you up.” Kurt couldn’t hide his surprise at that.

“You wanted to talk to me?” Kurt asked, sounding bewildered.

“Yeah, I mean I know we’re supposed to be sworn enemies and all that baloney, but I never really bought into that, and I think you’re good looking and wanted to talk to you.”

“You’ll forgive me of course if I have some reservations about your sincerity.” Kurt said, and Blair realized that getting to know him could end up being a lot harder than he thought. “I mean we’ve danced this dance once before, Jesse played Rachel pretty bad, tried to ruin our club. Hell, your group egged her!”

“I didn’t take part in any of that.”

“That’s very good of you and all,” Kurt said a little warily “But surely you can understand. Listen, I really should go.” Kurt began to back off and Blair quickly matched his steps, he wasn’t going to let him get away that easily.

“Could you at least give me a chance?” Blair inquired and Kurt looked hesitant.

“I don’t even know you.” Kurt went to skirt around him, but Blair cut him off, and Kurt set him with a faintly annoyed look. “Listen, you seem like a nice enough guy, but like I said, I don’t know you and it would be you know, all fraternizing with the enemy and such.”

“At least tell me your name.” Kurt hesitated again, but really he saw no problem with at least giving him his name.

“It’s Kurt.”

“Well Kurt, I’m Blair. And you may not know me yet, but you could if you gave me a chance.” He said with a charming grin. He was wearing Kurt down, he could see it.

“Why are you doing this?” Kurt asked, making to step around him, but Blair cut him off once more.

“Because for some reason I like you, I don’t even know you that well yet, but I already like you, and I just want a chance.” Kurt didn’t respond he was just looking at him like he’d grown an extra appendage. So he dug around into his pocket and pulled out a card. He grabbed Kurt’s wrist and pressed the card down into the palm of his hand.

“Hey Hummel!” Kurt and Blair both turned to see whoever was yelling down the hall. Puck stood there, flanked by Finn and Sam. The trio made their way over, and Blair noted with a small amount of alarm they kinda looked like they wanted to punch someone.

“Is this guy bothering you Kurt?” Finn asked, and Sam was watching him with a look that Blair couldn’t quite place.

“Just call me sometime ok?” Blair asked softly, before releasing Kurt’s wrist. “No worries boys, I’ll be on my merry way. Good work back there.” He watched as Sam and Finn exchanged a glance and Puck threw a protective arm across Kurt’s shoulders.

Fifteen minutes later he ran into Sam again. The blonde boy sighed and rubbed a hand through his hair before addressing Blair, because he really had no beef with him. He seemed like a nice enough guy, but he felt it was only fair to warn him.

“So listen, I’m the new guy and I wasn’t here for whatever went down last year. However, let me tell you this, you should probably stay away from Kurt.”

“Why, because you’re afraid I’ll ruin his honor or something? Whatever Jesse did, I don‘t want to repeat.”

“It‘s not just cause of that, more because you don’t want to cross Puck.”

“I wasn’t aware they were seeing each other.” Blair said honestly, because if he had known Kurt was taken, he never would have made a move.

“They aren’t.” Sam admitted. “Not officially anyway, but Puck doesn’t take kindly to other people sniffing around Kurt. The only people who don’t know that Puck and Kurt are dating are Puck and Kurt.”

“Kurt deserves better than that.” Blair said frowning.

“From some of the stories I’ve heard I wouldn’t think that Puck would stand a snowballs chance in hell at getting anywhere near Kurt, but to see them together, hell they might as well be dating. Puck will chase away any possible suitors anyway. Believe me when I tell you this.”

Blair watched Sam as he walked off, and decided he wasn’t going to be chased off so easily. If Sam wanted to bow out because Puck was staking a claim he had no right to make, then fine, but if he wasn’t actually dating Kurt, then Blair wasn’t going to bow out just because Puck didn’t want anyone else to have the other boy.


Over the next few weeks Blair made a few trips to Lima with Jesse. The other boy seemed to be desperate to apologize to Rachel for what happened the year prior, but it just gave Blair an excuse to tag along and spy on Kurt. Though he hated to put it that way because it really did make him sound like a creepy stalker. He followed Jesse to the mall and sure enough Kurt was there with a couple of the girls from their glee club, including Rachel.

“Rachel,” Jesse called out. “I just want to apologize.”

“Stay away from me Jesse!” She was so shrill; Blair just couldn’t see what Jesse could see in her. “And you,” She said whirling on Blair and jabbing a finger in his direction. “Stay away from Kurt.”

“Why don’t you let Kurt tell me that?” Blair suggested and Kurt rolled his eyes gathering up their bags and gently pushing Rachel behind him to be taken up by the other girls.

“Stay away from us. Both of you.” He began to walk off, Rachel at his side, and some of the other girls surrounded them. Jesse looked like a kicked puppy before he began to trail after them, and Blair trailed after Jesse. Mercedes whirled around and glared at them, hands on her hips.

“Now listen here! Rachel has already said to leave her alone, numerous times now, so seriously get a clue and back the hell off! And you leave my boy Kurt alone. He’s obviously not interested, he never called you right? So back off!” That was right, Kurt never had called, but Blair was beginning to wonder how much of that was because of team loyalty, and how right Sam might have been.

“’Cedes, come on, we don’t provoke the crazy people.” Kurt said, gently taking her arm and pulling her back towards the group.

“Yes we do!”

“Ok, we do, but not right now.” Kurt said and Blair couldn’t help but check him out a little. Finn and Puck appeared at the other end of the shops and quickly made their way toward them. Finn instantly wrapped Rachel up in his arms, glaring daggers at Jesse. It took Blair a moment to realize that Puck was glaring at him too.

“Look, he just wants to apologize for acting like a douche.” Blair said, but the glaring didn’t cease, if anything it increased further. Puck shifted back to throw an arm around Kurt, and Blair couldn’t help but notice how comfortable they both looked in the position. Still, if no public claim was made, Blair would continue to look for a way in.

“Just go.” Rachel finally said, and Blair glanced at Jesse who deflated slightly but nodded. Once he turned Blair cast one last look over at Kurt and Puck. He noted the way Kurt was tucked under Puck’s arm like he belonged there, and for the first time he really began to wonder if Kurt was available at all, and Puck was just keeping everything on the down-low. He frowned slightly at the thought before following Jesse out of the mall.


Blair should have been alarmed by his newly developed stalker like tendencies, but it’s on his fifth trip to Lima he realized that Sam was right. Kurt and Puck were at a park, sitting across from each other talking and they’re so into each other they didn’t notice him take the picnic table nearby, pretending to read his magazine.

“…yeah I guess the dumpster tossing was my version of hair pulling…that’s kinda messed up huh.”

“Yes, it really kind of is.”

“I just really liked you I guess.” Puck said, offering a slightly sheepish and almost apologetic grin to Kurt.

“It took you long enough to admit it.” Kurt said with a smile.

“Yeah, well Sam quite literally knocked some sense into me at football practice. Told me to either man up or stop getting in the way because if I hadn’t noticed, you were like super mega foxy hot, and guys were starting to line up.” Kurt laughed at that and Puck smiled in such an affectionate way, Blair knew what that smile meant.

“Well, I’m glad you did.” Kurt said. “Your question.”

“Did you keep that guys number? The one from Vocal Adrenaline?”

“Blair?” Kurt asked surprised and Blair perked his ears up.

“Yeah, I mean it’s cool if you did I was just…”

“No, I didn’t.” Kurt admitted, and Blair’s heart sunk. “He did seem like a nice guy, but he just came on really strong and I was a little leery about him being from Vocal Adrenaline. Maybe that wasn’t fair, but Jesse hurt Rachel so bad, and I didn’t want that to happen to me too. Also, I‘m me Noah, you know better than anyone, people just don‘t like me. Not unless there‘s something in it for them too.”

“I like you, just for you.” Puck assured him and Kurt flashed him a small smile. “It probably didn’t help I was all guard dog around you either.” Puck said with a grin. “You’re go.”

“Did you really chase off Sam?”

“You’re damn right I did! Sam’s a good guy, but he’s-”

“Not you.”

“Exactly! See, this is why we’ll work, we’re already finishing each others sentences.” Blair turned away as Puck leaned forward to kiss Kurt, and Blair can’t help but think of how he’s not only lost the battle, he may very well have lost the war. He packed up his stuff and headed back to his car. He knew that Kurt Hummel was out of his reach for now, but it wouldn’t hurt to check in when he saw him at competitions, because if Puck should ever screw up?

Well Blair would be waiting.

sam, kurt, rating: pg-13, puck, mercedes, rachel, fic, finn

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