Fic: 12 Step Program, Step 13 Relapse

Sep 02, 2010 14:47

Title: 12 step Program, Step 13 Relapse.
Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel.
Rating: R-ish I suppose. I'm not really sure.
Warnings: A little bit of language, talks of alcoholism, brief violence.
Characters: Kurt, Artie, Finn, Burt, and a little tiny bit of Puck at the end.
Word count: 3,302
Spoilers: Lets say through season one to be safe. But up to Theatricality for certain.
Summary: Burt has a relapse, Finn has a meltdown, and Kurt just wants to stop talking about it.
A/N: This is a sequel (I know I actually wrote a sequel) to He Remembered so I suggest you read it first or this might not make a whole ton of sense. Also, this was written mostly because kirke_novak has a penchant for asshole, not awesome Burt, and I wanted to write that for them. Here you go babycakes!

Kurt knew something was wrong when he first walked into the house. Things had been tense after the big blow out in the basement, and while he loved his dad, and honestly appreciated him standing up for him, he couldn’t help but feel guilty. Carole had been horrified, but she had also been hurt. Burt had kicked her son out of what was suppose to now be their home. They were supposed to talk today, decide what they were going to do from there.

Still when he entered and there was the smell of beer in the air, he froze. Because it was something he remembered to well. He hesitated, briefly thinking he should just leave, but he couldn’t. What if his dad choked on his own vomit or something? Maybe it wasn’t so bad, maybe someone was actually with his dad, or something. Still, Kurt was cautious when he made his way further into the house.

He found his dad in the living room, with enough beer bottles that Kurt thought that he must have left the house at least once to liter the coffee table with so many of them, and he must have been drinking for quite a while. Disappointment swelled in Kurt, his dad had promised that this wasn’t going to happen. He had told him time and time again that he was going to stay sober.

“Dad, what are you doing?” He didn’t realize he had spoken out loud until his dad turned bleary eyes on him, and Kurt instinctively took a step back. He watched as his father regarded him for a few moments before cracking open another beer.

“What does it look like I’m doing?”

“It looks like you’re drinking. Dad you promised…” Kurt barely managed to dodge the beer bottle thrown at him. For a moment, he felt like he was six again, and just wanted to go hide out until the next morning. He found himself unable to actually leave and he felt resentment fill his chest. This wasn’t fair, he didn’t deserve this. Burt stumbled to his feet and Kurt tracked his movements with his eyes.

“Carole has decided we need to take a break.” Burt slurred, and Kurt cringed. “I’ve pretty much lost her.” Kurt knew it would be in his best interest to stay silent, but for some reason, his mouth was not getting that memo.

“You don’t know that, but she wouldn’t want you back like this.” Kurt shouldn’t have been surprised when his back collided with the wall. He really shouldn’t, and he felt more than heard the framed photograph break as he collided with it. When his dad’s hand encircled his arm, he realized he may have a bigger problem. He was more or less being dragged towards his bedroom, and he could already feel the bruise that his father’s grip would leave.

“I will not have you talking to me that way. This is all your fault! If it wasn't for you---” The sound of his father’s hand hitting his mouth, that was what seemed to stall him, because for a moment Burt froze. Like he couldn’t believe he had just done that. It only lasted momentarily, and Kurt flinched at the feel of his split lip as his father opened bedroom door and shoved him in. It was only thanks to quick reflexes that Kurt was able to save himself a fall down the stairs. He waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, locked the door behind him and then curled up in bed, feeling very much like he was nine years old again.


Finn had rung the doorbell three times, and knocked continuously and still no one answered the door to the Hummel’s home. Finally he fished out the key he still had and let himself in. The smell of stale beer filled his nose, and he frowned, making his way further into the house. He found Burt in the living room passed out on the sofa and he frowned in distaste. Then he saw the broken photo frame and suddenly thought back to that awkward moment at the party they had not so very long ago.

“Look, yeah sometimes it got physical and I ended up bruised, but you guys can’t think it was bad all the time. He was an alcoholic.”

Finn decided he needed to find Kurt, and he needed to find him now. He didn’t bother to knock; he just stampeded down the stairs to Kurt’s room, only to find no trace of Kurt. He allowed himself to briefly think that maybe Kurt just turned around when he saw his Dad like that, but he knew Kurt wouldn’t have. He would have tried to make sure his dad was ok. He began to text the other members of glee to see if anyone had seen him. He tried not to be terrified when most of them came back negative, but with concern. Then he received Artie’s.

‘He’s with me. It’s bad.’

Finn didn’t bother to text anyone else, or even check on Burt before he’s out the front door and on his way to Artie’s house. Once he arrived, the car had barely stopped before he’s out and running towards the front door. He started ringing the doorbell and pounding on the front door, and when Mr. Abrams answered looking alarmed; Finn barely managed an apology before asking for Artie and Kurt.

“They’re in Artie’s room.” And even though Finn had only been to Artie’s house once, he at least sort of remembered where that was. At least, he had managed to find it on the second door he tried. Artie was in his chair and Kurt was sitting on the bed, and the first thing Finn saw was the split lip that had crusted over.

“Kurt, oh my god.” Finn’s hugging him before he realized he moved from the doorway and Kurt grunted as the air was knocked out of him. It wasn’t until he made a small noise of pain that Finn pulled back. “What happened? Kurt, what the hell happened?”

“You called Finn?” Kurt said instead, turning slightly betrayed eyes on Artie.

“When would I have done that?” Artie replied. “I’ve been with you nearly this whole time. He texted everyone all frantic, it was all caplocks man! All I did was tell him you were here.”

“You said it was bad!” Finn protested and Kurt groaned.

“Finn its not-”

“I was at your house. I saw your dad, I saw-”

“Ok Finn, ok.”

“Kurt.” Artie’s voice was soft and concerned and Kurt sighed, Finn taking a seat next to him. “Just tell me what happened ok? Your lip’s split, your back is bruised and so is your upper arm. Be honest man.” For a moment, Kurt wanted to lie. To pretend it hadn’t happened, and that it was the jocks from school. Which while probably would fly, he knows Finn wouldn’t believe it. Not if he’s seen the condition of the house already. Artie also knew him to damn well. Artie would call his bullshit, and he’d call it fast, so Kurt actually told them.

“My dad started drinking again.”

Now that it’s out there, it’s just hanging. It’s heavy and both Artie and Finn move just a little bit closer, as if their proximity to him will keep him from further harm. He rubbed his hands tiredly over his eyes, being careful to avoid his mouth. He glanced at Finn who looked upset and then at Artie who had managed to mask his face to be neutral.

“Why?!” Finn couldn’t help it, the question was out before he could stop it, and he focused on Kurt so he could ignore the reproachful look Artie was giving him.

“He was just upset.” Kurt replied. “Our parents have decided to take a break.”

“Yeah I know, my mom wanted me to---” and Finn breaks off mid-sentence. “Oh Kurt, no…I mean he couldn’t, is this about what happened in the basement?”

“Of course it is. Your mom is upset too, you’re her son and my dad didn’t give you a chance to explain. Don’t worry, he doesn’t blame you.” Finn might not be bright, but he understood that.

“He can’t blame you for that!” Finn protested. “Kurt, I was the one who hurt you, there was no excuse for what I said to you!”

“What exactly did you say?” Artie asked, and his tone was suddenly not so friendly.

“It doesn’t matter now.” Kurt tried to wave it off, but Finn was not having that.

“Of course it does! If this happened because it, it fucking matters Kurt!” He turned upset eyes on Artie. “I got all mad about what was going on during our theatricality week with the jocks and took it out on Kurt. I called him a fag.” Kurt looked like he might try and interject, so Finn quickly continued. “And his dad overheard me, and threw me out of the house. He was right Kurt; I never should have said that. I didn’t mean it, and I know you said you’ve forgiven me, but I-He can’t really blame you does he?”

“I’m sure part of him does.” Kurt sounded tired, and Artie looked angry.

“That’s what that weird tension with you two was about and why you wore a red shower curtain? Kurt, you should have told us why you were upset!”

“What exactly in our history together makes you think I would do that?” And ok, so maybe Kurt had a point there.

“My mom doesn’t….she’s really upset too. She’s so mad at me for what I said. I know better than that, but she wouldn’t…maybe you should come stay with us.” Finn stammered and Kurt shook his head.

“No, I appreciate that Finn, but I’m not going to go stay with you and your mother. This is between our parents, and this should not interfere with that.”

“But it does!” Finn protested, sounding shrill. “Kurt, your dad-”

“Is an alcoholic.” Kurt snapped and let out a frustrated sigh. “Just because he hadn’t done anything in years doesn’t mean he still isn’t one. Once an addict always an addict and they have occasional set backs.”

“Kurt it’s not safe.”

“Which is exactly why I asked Artie if I could spend the rest of the weekend with him. My dad will sleep it off, realize what he did, and if he doesn’t, I did leave him a note, and eventually we’ll talk.”

Finn is not soothed by this, but he remained silent, knowing that trying to argue with Kurt would not get him anywhere. Artie cleared his throat, and while he still doesn’t look particularly happy, Finn is relatively sure he isn’t going to try and run his feet over.

“Finn you should probably go.” Artie said, and Finn figured he really should stop using the word fag, even if he is explaining what got him thrown out of the Hummel’s house to begin with, it keeps getting him thrown out of other places too. “My parents will get suspicious if everyone descends on the house. Text the others, tell them its ok.”

“But it’s not-”

“Yes it is.” Kurt cut in, firmly, sounding anything but happy. “It’s ok.”

“We should tell someone.” Finn protested folding his arms and Artie hesitantly nodded his agreement.

“And then what Finn?” Kurt asked, and he looked over at Kurt surprised. “Then what happens? CPS gets involved? Even if I don’t say anything, which I won’t, there would be enough for them to at least want to keep tabs on us. And if they do find enough to warrant a removal, did you think about where I would go?”

“To um, to another family member?” Finn offered and Artie physically flinched when Kurt let out a hallow sounding laugh.

“Most likely, and that would lead to something even worse. More than likely, I would end up being placed with my aunt Mildred, which in itself would be problematic, she’s an alcoholic too. My uncle David is no better, only he actually hates me, so I probably would get seriously hurt then. If they didn’t take me, I don’t want to think about what happens after that.”

“But Kurt, you aren’t safe at home, my mom she would totally-”

“Your mom is a great lady Finn, but I’m not her kid.”

“Finn,” Artie broke in and he turned desperate eyes to him. Surely Artie of all people could see that Kurt just couldn’t stay with his dad. “Kurt will stay with me this weekend. If he hasn’t heard from his dad by then, or if when he goes home, and I do plan to go with you, and it’s still not safe, then we’ll look for a more long term solution.”

Finn floundered for a few moments, and turned to look back at Kurt, who suddenly looked so tired, like he was just so exhausted by everything that happened, that Finn ended up reluctantly nodding. He wasn’t sure if he could do what Kurt was doing. If he could know enough to get himself out of the situation, but not be able to find it in him to take any further steps. Of course Finn knew Kurt’s dad was really all he had. From what he had gathered, most of his family did not like him, and his Aunt Mildred tolerated him at best. That did not seem like much of an improvement.

Still, he left Artie’s place reluctantly, texting the others not to worry, Kurt was ok. Still, his feet felt heavy as he made his way back to his car and to head back home.


It’s Sunday morning when Kurt gets the phone call from his father asking him to come home. He would go, and he would talk to his father, but if he didn’t think his father was serious about making things better, well he would take Artie up on that offer to stay with him for a little while. He may have defended his father to his friends, because really his dad was an alcoholic, but Kurt wasn’t a little kid anymore. He had no idealized notions that it wouldn’t ever happen again.

Artie had been hesitant to let him go, but once Kurt promised on his entire wardrobe that he would come right back if anything happened, he let him go, wanting to go with him, but knowing that Kurt just wasn’t going to let him. He had easily countered Artie wanting to go with him; it was going to be a long talk that he didn’t really want an audience for. Artie could understand that, he supposed.

When Kurt walked through the front door, his father met him in the hallway, took one look at the split in his lip and moved towards Kurt, who remained in one spot. Burt was careful when he hugged his son, he had seen the broken picture and it didn’t take a genius to figure out, that had probably been done by the impact of Kurt’s body.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Ok, but I need to know you won’t do it again.” Kurt said as he pulled away.

“I won’t, of course I-”

“No dad,” Kurt said, and he’s standing his ground, something Burt can’t help but be proud of. “It doesn’t matter if you say it, you’ve said it before.” Burt can’t help but recoil at that. “I need to know it. I need to know that I can come home and not have to worry about being thrown into a wall, or down the stairs to my room. I know you always say your not strong, but you aren’t weak either dad. Not unless you drink. When you drink, you’re the weakest person I know.”

“You’re so much like your mother, she never stood for any bullshit either. Don’t worry Kurt; I’m going to start going back to meetings. I never should have stopped, but I thought I had it under control, but look how easily I slipped.”

“I know dad, you were upset about Carole, and you’re exactly right, you slipped. It happens, I know that. But…I can’t let you hurt me in the process. When...if it gets bad again, I’ll go stay with friends before you have a chance to do something stupid.” Burt was hugging his son again before he could fully process it. Kurt settled against his chest a little before clearing his throat and pulling away.

“You um, may want to talk to Finn though.” When his dad raised his eyebrow, Kurt rubbed the back of his neck a little. “He came over, and when no one answered the door, he let himself in. He saw you on the couch with all that beer, and then when I wasn’t here, he panicked. He texted everyone…caplocks were apparently involved. He’s concerned, wants me out of here and in with him and his mom. You may uh, want to clear the air.” Burt ran a hand over his head before nodding.

“Yeah ok, I’m supposed to go talk with them both right about now. You could come if you want too.”

“That’s ok; you guys go work that out. I should probably call Artie and promise him I’m ok. He…kinda didn’t want me to come back.”

“Ok, I’ll be back later. I really am, so sorry Kurt.”

“I know you are dad, but you should…maybe go to that meeting when you’re done talking to Carole.” It was stated a little hesitantly, like he wasn’t quite sure how that would be received.

“I plan too.” He gave Kurt another hug before he headed out the front door. Kurt deflated once he was gone and careful made his way downstairs, quickly texting Artie, he was fine, things were working out, and he’d call if something happened. Once he receives a text back, with a mild threat that if he didn’t, Artie would find someone to kill him, Kurt relaxed and caught up on a little bit of homework. It isn’t until he gets a text that he reaches for his phone again.

Hummel, u better b ok. Finn keeps txting me in all caps & Artie just propositioned me for standby 2 kill u. Seriously, b ok, cause I kinda don’t wanna have 2 kill u.- Puck

Kurt laughed when he read it, before thinking about a suitable reply. Finally he texted back.

Don’t worry, I’m fine. Of course I’m a little concerned that Artie propositioned you.

The profanity laced phone call he got in return was so genuinely Puck that Kurt thought at least he knew he could count on the other boy to treat him close to normally once this broke wide open for the rest of his friends. He was fairly certain Artie would keep his mouth shut, but Finn he had his doubts about.

Still, he would take it as it came, just like he always had. Puck at least was proving to be the most likely to treat him the same, if the threats of slushies tomorrow were any indication. Even though he knew Puck would not follow through with the threat. Still, he couldn’t help but thank Puck for it.

“Don’t thank me, there is the possibility Artie may still have me kill you.” Puck’s voice was filled with vague amusement, though he wouldn’t admit to it.

“Because he propositioned you?”

That set Puck off on another profanity filled rant about how it wasn’t that kind of proposition, and as Kurt dissolved into laughter, he felt the last of his tension ease off. Strange, how after everything, and how he honestly appreciated Artie and Finn for their concern, it was Puck who somehow, in some sort of weird way made things seem normal again.

burt, rating: r, artie, puck, glee club, angst, fic, finn

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