Fic: Lay Your Weary Head to Rest

Aug 30, 2010 17:31

Title: Lay Your Weary Head to Rest
Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel.
Rating: R-ish
Warnings: Dark subject matters, language, and angst. Don't forget the angst.
Characters: Kurt, Artie, Puck, Burt, the glee club
Word count: 4,125
Spoilers: Lets say through season one to be safe.
Summary: Kurt finds out out fickle friendship can actually be.
A/N: Written for my darling boysinperil for her birthday! I maded you angst! I hope you like it babe!

Kurt wasn’t really sure what they were fighting about, if he was honest.

All he knew was that he and Mercedes were in the middle of their most vicious fight ever, and it’s killing him because he kind of needed her right now. He tried to talk to her once before, two days ago, but she just snapped that she wasn’t in the mood to listen, and stormed away, leaving him to stand awkwardly at her locker. So Kurt stayed away from Mercedes, and he stayed away from Quinn because she seemed to have already taken Mercedes side, even though again, Kurt wasn’t quite sure what exactly it was they were fighting about.

It’s because they were fighting that Kurt didn’t mention the fact that someone threw a brick through his living room window with a very detailed death threat on it. It probably didn’t help that his father had recently gotten into a fight with Carole, and was more volatile than usual, and took that particularly bad. Kurt tried not to pay attention to his father’s snappish tone, knowing that it wasn’t actually him he was angry at. Still it hurt when his father snapped at him.

It hurt to realize his support system was basically gone. He was sure he could go to Tina or Artie, they were his friends, but they had problems of their own, and he wasn’t exactly comfortable with telling them about what was going on. The others in the glee club he did consider his friends, but they were no where near close enough to be let in on any of this. Even his closest friends were held at arms length a lot of the time, for their own protection more so than his own. Even when he did break down try to talk to a couple of them though, he was shut down pretty quickly, so he gave up trying. Why should he keep trying if he was just going to get shut down over and over again?

It all came to a head on a Thursday though, he knew something was up when Ms. Pillsbury pulled him out of class and his father was furiously pacing around Figgins office. It took three false starts but finally he got the story out of his father. They had exhumed his mother’s body as well as the body from another grave, because they think there could have been a mix up in the burials, both bodies were currently under autopsy, to make sure they corrected this mistake, if there was in fact one made.

Kurt sat down heavily, his legs no longer sustaining his weight. He wasn’t sure who they were, but he is certain that they were trying to make his life miserable, and he’s fairly certain they are in fact, responsible for killing Kenny. He takes in several deep soothing breathes, and he doesn’t realize that he’s crying until Ms. Pillsbury is handing him a tissue and his father is rubbing soothing circles on his shoulder. For years he had been visiting the grave of his mother, and now it might not have even been her. He feels sick and for a mortifying moment he thinks he might throw up. Ms. Pillsbury would never forgive him for throwing up on her twice.

His father took him out of school, and it’s not until the following Tuesday he reappeared, eyes a little bruised looking, dressed rather badly. Finn saw him and beelined right to him, hand clamped down around his shoulder in a sympathetic gesture that Kurt really didn’t want.

“Dude, are you ok? My mom told me what was going on.”

“Of course I’m not ok.” Kurt said, but it lacked any heat or anger. It’s just, remarkably tired.

“If you need anything, me and mom, I mean we’ll be there for you ok?”

“Yeah, thanks Finn.” Kurt ignored the look that Mercedes was giving him, it’s concerned and she appeared to be debating with herself on whether to approach. He simply made that decision for her, by ducking into the boy’s bathroom. It took him entirely to long to realize that he’s not the only one in there and that Puck was openly staring at him.

“What the hell happened to you?” The entire glee club knew that Kurt had been taken out of school by his father on Thursday, nothing good ever resulted from a kid being take out for several days. While he and Kurt might not be considered close, Puck would actually admit to them being friends. He isn’t sure how that happened exactly, but it did. He was worried because Kurt looked like he was barely hanging on.

“Nothing.” The answer was short, flat and Puck can’t actually remember the last time Kurt spoke to him in that tone of voice.

“Yeah, ok. Nothing is why you look like Tina dressed you and you’ve been out of school for two days?”

“I find it disturbing you’ve been keeping track of how long I was absent for.”

“Yes, well I find it disturbing that you came back looking like someone kicked your puppy and set your ridiculous wardrobe on fire.” Puck replied, and he and Kurt had a mild stand off.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Kurt said finally deflating. “But I do appreciate the concern.”

“Whatever man, I’d like to think we’ve been pretty cool with each other lately, so if you change your mind, I’ll uh, listen and junk.”

“Thanks Puck.” Kurt left the room before Puck had a chance to say anything in response.


Kurt had no intention of talking to anyone about what was going on. Ms. Pillsbury had given him a few fliers and he briefly wondered just where in the world she was getting them from. Mr. Schue must have been filled in, because he said if he needed to talk he’d listen, but Kurt knew he wasn’t going to take him up on the offer. Most of the glee club gave him space. He was sure a lot of them thought he was just upset about what was going on with Mercedes, or actually respecting that it was a family matter.

He hadn’t anticipated Puck and Artie teaming up against him though. They cornered him in an empty classroom and while Kurt could appreciate that they cared enough to be concerned, he wasn’t sure how much he appreciated this particular tactic.

“I thought I made it clear I didn’t want to talk about it.” Kurt said, frustration coloring his tone, as he glared at Puck. The bigger boy shrugged and Artie wheeled himself a little bit closer to Kurt.

“Well you may have told him that, but we’re your friends Kurt. You’re drowning man, and we aren’t going to let you go without a fight.”

“It’s just been a really bad couple of weeks, I’ll be fine.” But even as he said it, his voice cracked and Kurt cursed himself. Neither Puck nor Artie looked triumphant though, they both looked worried and though Kurt wasn’t really sure why, he started talking.

“It’s just been a bad couple of weeks is all.”

“Well, what happened?” Artie implored gently.

“Mercedes and I are fighting, though for the life of me I don’t know about what. My dad got into a fight with Finn’s mom, so he’s been real irritable at home. Someone threw a brick through my front window with a very detailed note on how they planned to kill me, and…” He trailed off.

Puck had jerked to attention when he found out about the note and anger began to simmer deep in his stomach. That was bullshit, no one deserved that, and he knew he’d been in a douche in the past and that Kurt had ever reason on the planet to show him nothing but scorn. He didn’t though, and Puck had started to respect him because of that. It took a strong person to put up with the sheer amount of shit that Kurt did, but that…that was just beyond fucked up.

“And, you mean it gets worse?” Artie asked, and he couldn’t keep his voice even. Kurt’s eyes were wet when he glanced back at them and Puck’s heart dropped at the sight.

“They exhumed my mom.” Kurt sank into the nearest chair and lowered his head into his hands now that he’s said it out loud.

Silence followed that statement. Artie’s so horrified he could barely breathe and Puck while he wasn’t quite sure what that meant, knew it had to be bad. Artie finally managed to shake off his shock and wheeled himself over to Kurt, hesitantly draping an arm across his shoulders.

“Why?” Artie asked as gently as he could, and Kurt seemed to deflate even further.

“It was her and another body; they think there may have been a mix up. I could have been visiting a grave for years that wasn’t even hers.”

Puck muddled through that and figured that the closest he could come to was that what Kurt meant when he said his mother was exhumed, was that she was dug up, and his heart just broke for him. Artie had managed to somehow get Kurt into an awkward hug, and while neither boy looked particularly comfortable, Artie seemed to need to comfort Kurt just as much as Kurt needed comforting.

The three spend the next three periods hidden away from the rest of the school.


When glee came around, Kurt entered the room flanked by Artie and Puck. It caused no small amount of notice. He let Puck lead him over to a small corner and when Tina joined them, not knowing what was going on, but giving Kurt a quick hug anyway, well Kurt would be lying if he said he didn’t appreciate it. Mr. Schue must have been filled in, because he just gave Kurt a quick smile and look that let him know he knew and that it was ok.

Even though it really wasn’t ok.

When Kurt’s phone rang in the middle of glee, Mr. Schue looks his way, but it isn’t the annoyed way he looked at the others when their cell phones went off, no this was a look of concern and a silent go ahead to pick up. He didn’t even bother to apologize for interrupting class.

“Hello?” He said and he was quiet for a few moments. He shut his eyes briefly and Artie and Puck exchanged worried glances. “Yeah, I’m coming home. I don’t care, I’m coming home.” He hung up and began to gather his things trying to pretend he didn’t realize everyone was watching him, but giving a brief nod to Artie who sucked in a distressed breath.

“Kurt?” Mr. Schue finally ventured, watching how badly Kurt‘s hands shook. “Are you alright to drive home?”

“I’ll drive him.” Puck interjected holding out his hand for Kurt’s car keys. Everyone was surprised when Kurt dropped them into his open palm and allowed Puck to steer him out of the room. It’s quiet for all of ten seconds tops, before the room exploded. Voices yelling over each other to know what the hell just happened. Finally Mr. Schue held up his hand to silence them and reluctantly they quiet down.

“Listen guys, if Kurt wants you guys to know, then he’ll tell you but I’m-” Finn cut him off though.

“It was about this mom wasn’t it?” Artie flinched and Mr. Schue deflated, while the others start peppering Finn with questions. “I don’t quite know what’s going on, but my mom said that Kurt’s mom was being resumed.” and it’s quiet before Mike spoke up tentatively.



“Oh my god.” Rachel breathed and she narrows in on Artie who’s discreetly trying to get outside. “What do you know Artie?”

“It’s not my place to tell you.” Artie said sighing in frustration and glaring at Finn. “Finn should have kept his mouth shut. If Kurt wanted you to know, he’d have told you what was going on.”

“He told you though.” Mercedes voice is hollow sounding, and she looked upset.

“Yeah, he did.” He would leave out the part where he and Puck tag teamed him, but Kurt really hadn’t been that hard to get the story out of.

“He told Puck.” Finn sounded affronted. Like he couldn’t believe that Kurt would tell Puck and not him. And somehow the very idea that something this serious was being treated like people thought Kurt should have talked to them instead, made Artie see red.

“Oh well I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t tell you Finn,” Artie snapped angrily. “It isn’t like you would just blurt it out for everyone to hear when he clearly didn’t want everyone to know.” Finn’s face reddened and Rachel spoke up.

“That’s not fair Artie; we have a right to-”

“No Rachel, you don’t. You don’t have any right to know about what’s going on his life; Kurt is under no obligation to tell you anything. Were you not just a few days ago complaining that he was lacking focus and bringing the glee club down? Where was your concern then?” Artie knows he should shut up but he’s so angry suddenly.

“Artie, how could we have known-” Rachel tried again, but Artie shut her down once more.

“You could have tried looking at him. Something was clearly wrong even before what happened with his mom. He told us some stuff that was just horrifying. I have no idea how he coped with this alone for so long.” He turned his eyes on Mercedes. “Do you even know why you’re mad at him anymore? He doesn’t, so if you’re mad that’s fine, but maybe you could try and clue him in to exactly why you’re so pissed at him.” He took a deep breath and exhaled real slow.

“It’s pathetic really. That instead of being upset that something this horrific has happened to him, your upset he didn’t tell you about it. Wow, that’s just…” He shook his head and barely reacted when Mr. Schue called out his name warningly. “Whatever, I’m going to my friend’s house to see if he’s even remotely close to being ok.”

Artie left the room leaving the others behind to sit in awkward silence and refusing to meet each others eyes.


Puck hadn’t wanted to leave Kurt, so he had followed him in. He watched as Kurt’s dad grabbed him in a tight hug before releasing him and checking him over as if to see if he was ok. Puck couldn’t quite put his finger on what exactly had changed. How the other boy had gone from Hummel to Kurt or from some loser that he threw in the trash to his friend. He had though, and he was hurting so bad that Puck could practically feel it.

“I have to make a few phone calls, will you be alright?” Burt said, eyeing Kurt as if he wasn’t sure he would still be breathing if he left him alone for a few moments.

“I’ll stay with him.” Puck found himself saying before he was really thinking it out. Burt eyed him warily, but nodded and Puck found himself trailing Kurt into his room. He looked around before raising his eyebrows. “Dude, sweet set up.” Kurt smiled weakly before motioning for Puck to sit. He settled onto the couch, frowning when something crinkled under him. He pulled loose the sheet and swallowed thickly.

“Kurt.” He said finally and the other boy looked up surprised at the use of his first name. “Why did you keep this?” Seeming to realize what exactly that was, Kurt made to take it from him.

“The police told me to keep it.” Kurt said. “In case anything happened, we had proof of premeditation.” Puck’s blood ran cold and he tugged Kurt down to sit with him, though he didn’t let go of the letter. Kurt had been honest when he said it was detailed. This was pretty much plotting out his murder, and something about that made every protective instinct that Puck had roar to life. Some sick fuck was planning to hurt his friend. That simply was not going to fly.

“Nothings going to happen.” He told him. “I’m not going to let it.” Something in the way he said it made Kurt’s lips upturn the slightest bit in a smile, but it doesn’t last more than a second or two before his face falls.

“The bodies were mixed up.” Kurt said and Puck froze for a moment. He had assumed, but to actually hear it, that made it so much worse. “Ten years Puck. Ten years we went to that grave, I went to that grave, and it wasn‘t her.” Kurt actually broke down then. Puck’s so startled by the tears, because Kurt had never cried before, he did the first thing he could think of, which was to smash the slighter boy to him in a hug.

Puck’s never been particularly good with emotions, but if anyone had a reason to cry right now, he figured its Kurt. And even though Puck couldn’t seem to get his act together and do much more than sit silently and crush Kurt to his chest, he figured it was something. He wasn’t sure how long they actually sat like that, but eventually the tears stopped and Kurt pulled away embarrassed at the display.


“Don’t be.” Puck assured him, feeling awkward and out of place, but that seemed like the right thing to say. Kurt seemed exhausted, and Puck didn’t really know what to say after that. He’s saved when he heard Kurt’s dad call down the stairs that Artie had arrived. He gave Kurt a quick once over who wiped a hand across his face and nodded, trailing up the stairs after Puck, who gave Artie a quick glance before stepping aside.

“Why don’t we go into the living room?” Artie suggested and Kurt nodded. The trio headed into the room, and when Kurt sat down on the couch, Puck sat down next to him, close enough to touch and threw his arm across the back of the chair. “I’m so sorry Kurt.”

“It’s a shock. I didn’t want to believe it. I mean I’ll be ok, you shouldn’t worry, it‘s just a rough time at the moment.”

“Well whatever you need, you let us know.” Artie said. “But in the meantime, I brought ice cream.” Kurt cracked the tiniest of smiles then and Puck made a mental note to ask Artie what flavor he brought for Kurt. Three hours later, Burt can’t help but raise an eyebrow at the sight. All three boys were asleep, Artie in his wheelchair, and Kurt and the larger boy on the couch.

He wasn’t quite sure how he felt about how close they were sitting or that the other boy had taken the liberty to stretch his arm out over his son’s shoulders. Still now was not the time, if these boys were bringing his son any kind of comfort, he would take what he could get.


Kurt’s absent for the next two days before he returned, and he’s almost immediately sidelined by Mercedes, who apologized repeatedly, for the fight and that it had gotten out of hand and she was so, so sorry that he felt like he couldn’t come to her about things. She didn’t push him to know what’s happened, she just promised him a shopping trip and to be there now, if he should need her. He appreciated it, he had missed her. Though part of him was still hurt by the knowledge that he still wasn’t sure why they had been fighting to begin with.

He didn’t object to Puck shadowing him for the next week. If the bigger boy was trying to be slick about it, he was failing. Still, he appreciated that he cared, and when Artie told him that the glee club wanted to talk to him, Puck was the first to stand up when he entered the room. The look on his face was clear, that the moment Kurt had enough, Puck would gladly get them both the hell out of there. Still, Kurt sat in the chair that Artie pointed too, and wondered what exactly this was about, because if they were going to sing to him he wanted to know what song they could have possibly found to fit this situation.

Artie parked his chair beside him, and Puck moved so he could stand protectively behind Kurt, and somehow knowing that they care enough to try and help made the situation a little less irritating. It was all well and good to try and help now, but it was too little, to late really.

There was no song; something Kurt was both thankful and somewhat disappointed with. He really did want to know what song they would have managed to dig up for this. Instead he’s subjected to the others giving him little speeches about how sorry they were and how he shouldn’t ever be afraid to come to them. Something about that makes him angry though and he looked to Artie, because seriously?

“Are you serious?” Artie seemed to read his mind. “What exactly have any of you done to make him want to come to you?”

“Artie.” Kurt said, sounding tired. “It’s ok, really. I’m going to be fine.”

“We talked about you not saying you’re fine anymore, you‘re never fine when you say ‘I‘m fine.’” Artie said and Puck snorted in amusement from behind.

“I didn’t say I was I said I was going to be, and I will. I just need a little time to cope; I don’t think that’s too much to ask.”

“No it’s not.” Puck replied, thumping Kurt on the shoulder and making a get up motion. “Come on, we’re leaving. Abrams, get it in gear.” And for the second time, the trio left the rest of the glee club in an awkward silence, wondering what they could do to fix things.


As time passed, things slowly began to go back to how they once where. Oh there was a distance that Kurt kept, but he was speaking to the other members of the glee club again. Mercedes at some point had found out everything that had happened during their silence, and had been a little clingy for a few days afterwards. Still, she eventually began to ease off and things went back to how they use to be.

Kurt was pretty sure for the most part the other kids eventually just put it out of their mind. Part of him still hurt from all that happened, he couldn’t just get over what happened with his mom, but he realized what a wonderful friend he had in Artie, and surprisingly Puck, who never let him slip to far out of reach or sink to low in his own despair.

The person who had thrown the brick through his window had been caught. Kurt wasn’t sure how, but he had a feeling that Puck may have had something to do with it. Still, he felt better knowing that the person was found. He didn’t think they would actually follow through, most people who intended to do him harm didn’t outline it for him first, but he was still relived.

Puck went with him to his mother’s grave the first time he ventured back now that the correct body was in the resting place. Kurt had sat down on the freshly planted grass, taken one look at the new redone headstone, as the old one had been cracked, and broke down again. Puck simply sat down beside him and looped his arm around Kurt, to let his head rest on his shoulder. Kurt wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to express just how much he appreciated that from Puck.

Eventually, things were almost how they were before. Mercedes and Kurt were still friends, though Kurt had felt long before their fight that Quinn had replaced him as Mercedes best friend. And that was ok, because they were still friends, which was alright too.

For Puck, it was a strange feeling. He had taken a serious hit when baby gate broke wide open, he had lost his best friend, and that had hurt. He couldn’t blame Finn really, it was his own fault. However, he had seen that Kurt needed someone and stepped in to help. Somehow, without Puck really noticing, Kurt had taken Finn’s spot, Kurt Hummel had somehow, become his best friend. Even weirder, Puck was pretty sure he’d become Kurt’s too.

It was strange how high school worked.

burt, kurt, angst, rating: r, artie, puck, glee club

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