Tiny Little Fic: Scream

May 02, 2010 22:30

Title: Scream
Disclaimer: I don't own em, I if I did glee would probably have to be on a different channel.
Rating: PG-ish probably.
Characters: Kurt, very brief mentions of Mercedes, Artie, Tina and Mr. Schuester
Warnings: Just a bit of angst really.
Word count: 300-I know extremely short, especially for me!
Summary: Kurt has his own coping mechanisms.
A/N: Just a tiny drabble I did. Also, sj_r isn't feeling well, so this is kind of for her...It was suppose to be something to make her feel better. I'm not very good at cheering people up apparently, at least not in fic form lol.

Kurt was screaming.

Not physically of course, on the outside, Kurt is just as calm and collected as he always is, watching what’s going on around him in a detached, disinterested, sort of way. In his head though? In his head Kurt’s screaming. He screams with raw un-abandoned agony, for as long, and as loudly as he can. Until his voice is raw and gone, because they have no idea. They couldn’t have any idea just how hard it was to exist day by day.

So he remains coolly detached, getting relatively close to a few people, but not close enough for them to see the cracks in his armor. He regrets it really, because he’s sure that Mercedes, Tina and Artie, hell even Mr. Schuester in his own way, would have tried to help him. Tried to make the days a little easier, but there’s always a risk associated with him.

He wouldn’t be the reason anyone else had to suffer, so he keeps his distance. He’s friendly enough that people don’t question him much, just assume he’s not a particularly friendly sort of person and keep him at arms length. He’s sure, that in the grand scheme of things, its better that way. Just because he has to suffer daily just for the same right to keep on breathing didn’t mean anyone else had to.

Besides, he knew his friends had their own problems to deal with.

So he remains cool and together, and no one is any wiser to the internal conflict that goes on within him all the time. However, when things get bad, then they get really truly too much to handle, he never shows it on the outside. Instead he just shuts his eyes and listens quietly to himself.

Because in his head he’s screaming.

rating: pg, kurt, angst, fic

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