I'm sick? Seriously?

May 03, 2010 20:48

There must be something in the internet water or going around the coms, first BiP, then Sj, and now I'm sick. What the hell? I woke up this morning feeling rather bad, but dressed and went to work anyhow. Made it all of three hours before I nearly passed out and they sent me home. I had intended to go to the doctor, but once I actually got here, I just crashed out and slept until Michelle woke me back up to ask if I would be ok if she went to work. I said of course, and now Tom is lurking downstairs. So she must not have believed me.

As it was, I had started to develop a bit of a cough, but thought perhaps it was just allergies, but now I'm thinking probably not so much, cause it's a barking cough that's all down in my lungs, and it's unpleasant. I'm going to go tomorrow and get myself checked out because I really don't want to miss any work because of this.

Yesterday was fun at least, Michelle and I went out and had a good time, ate at Steak and Shake, and then played putt putt golf and played in the arcade. Michelle pwned me at putt putt, but I totally beat her in the arcade. So it was an even trade off.

I think I knew I was coming down with something yesterday though, because I was coughing an awful lot. Eh, I'll survive.
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