Sep 23, 2009 06:49
So even the doctor thinks that I'm small for 37 weeks. Over the last week, I lost a pound and my belly is apparently measuring "on the small size" (they never actually tell me what it measures). Well they did tell me that I measured 32 inches at 32 weeks, which according to Twilight is good :) Anyway so they decided that I should have an ultrasound to make sure the baby is developing at a decent rate, and she was. I believe they said she weighed about 6lbs 10oz, and the technician thinks that she will probably be within a pound by delivery. So my baby should be in the high 6 lb to mid 7lb range (I'm guessing she won't really get smaller before delivery). Since we were doing the ultrasound I had the technician double check that the baby was still a girl and she was, so hopefully any fears of the 20 week ultrasound being wrong can be forgotten about.