Call Me Blinken No More!

Jun 06, 2008 01:23

Hmmm....for someone who grew up with a leagly blind best friend (Des, outta contact with her for years now, sadly), you think I'd be more easily able to refrence highly reconisable blind charactors from pop culture for my subject lines involving eyes. Ah well, I figured if I just said "I can see! I can--!*THUD* ...Nope, never mind." I might give the wrong impression of how the treatment is going...and probably only Joan would get it.

So I've now done a full day's worth of the eye drops, just more then a day, actualy, five round (four rounds in a day, six hours appart), and so far, Still Breathing! Whooo Hooo! ::leads a round of chearing::

And even better, I don't wanna jinx it, but I really do think it's working. I was a little worried when I woke up, and my left eye had contenued to get worse while I was sleeping, but after the first round of drops after wakeing up, it didn't progress past that, and by my last evening round, I think both eyes are actualy improving!

I really really hope it actualy is, and it's not just a figment of my imagination, but I didn't get any "Awww, poor baby, do you need anything?" looks of Sympathy from my dad, so I think that's more or less a conformation. ::crosses fingers::

Even if it's not the drops working, my eyes have stopped getting worse. Hopefuly by the end of my second day I'll be able to say more definitivly. The skin around my eyes are getting worse, but it's that kind of healing-worse that's missleading. The skin feels worse, but I think it's because the skin is so dry, if there was so much extra moisture comeing from my eyes, then the skin would be more swollen and far less painful. As the eyes get better, less moisture, less swelling and puffyness, which equils more chapped skin and more pain. So even though the skin feels worse, the rest of my eyes feel better, so here's hopeing.

Further updates when I feel like there's less of a possiblity of an over-active imagination.

medical, update, yay!, life

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