And no, the subject is not one of the many, many in-jokes developed over the weekend, it was just a thought I had makeing the last run from the con to the airport to drop off people flying out. I turned on the radio while waiting for my .mp3 player to boot up, and "I Ran Away" came on and I found myself just blasting it. Which, yes, kinda pathetic. ::G::
Before I get onto the clsoest thing I'll ever do to a con report (IE: basicly me just squee-ing), can anyone I gave rides to who has since friended me or stopped by here, please check in to let me know you got home safe? Last I checked, I know for sure that
arrow00 and
dessert_first both made it home, but in the end, I gave even more rides then I had oringaly planned for, filling in for last minute people and combineing rides, which was fine! I was more then glad to, but as a result, I have no clue how many people it was, and I'm bad enough with names already... ::LOL:: Yes, I fail at even worrying about stuff properly at this point. ::LOL:: I was so tired yesterday, I was asleep by 9pm, and I only made it past 7pm by shear force of will.
So, if I gave you a ride, could you check in? Also, this'll let me go "oh Yah!" and friend you (if you don't mind). Or if you know someone I gave a ride to did get home safely, could you let me know they did? It's just something I'd appresahte.
And now, the Squee: (Warning: my right hand shift key seems to be having...issues, so if random stuff that should be capitlised isn't, it's probably because I was trying to use the right hand shift and went too fast to notice. Same goes for stuff that should be a symble and came out a number, like 2 instead of @. Yah, I know, as if my spelling wasn't bad enough...I can't even spell dislexia correctly...theres a "y" in there, isn't there? or a "q" or "g" or something?...)
The Con Itself: Rocked byond words. I meen, serously, this con went to evelven, people!! I was already stunned at how smoothly it was all going, and how few snaggs and SNAFU's there where, and then
brynnmck wrapped up the con by explaining taht not only was this the first con she's ever orginized, it was her first con ever. ::blinking:: On the first day, durring the Q&A after opening comments, someone asked "Yes, I have a question: How are you so awsome?" and you know what? I totaly need to fangirl this woman! I can not believe that this was her first and it was so incredibly Bitchin! (to use the vanacular of the party)
brynnmck can officaly run anything and I think I will have to go, just to watch her work. Incredible.
The Pannels: I went to eight pannels (a total of sixteen offered, but each pannel was timed along with another one, so there were only eight you could go to, unless you cut out early on one to finish in the other one), and I must say, the level of how incredible they were was incredibly high all accross. The ones I did were Roll Out The Fandom Welcome Wagon (Mods: zulu and Ignaz Wisdom), Vidding For Beginners (Mods: Keerawa and SDWolfpup), Oh Noes, I'ts Plot! Writing Long Plotty Stories (Mod: Dragonkal), and Blame Canada! Or, One Country's (evil?) Plan To Dominate Fandom" (Mods: Wordplay and Omphale23). That was Saturday. Sunday was Fandom Evolution (Mods aerye and Rache), Story Structure: From Parallel Timelines aTo Hypertext And Back Again (Mod: raine_wynd), Is This Thing On? A Podfic Tutorial (Mods: Isis and Slidellra), and White Hats, Black Leather, And Red Serge: Modern Fictional Heroes (Mod: M'lyn). If any of those names of mods is incorrect, sorry, I'm just copying off my schedual sheet, I honestly couldn't tell you the names of half of them if I met them again in person. I suck at names. I remember all of you, I can even probably describe all of you to a sketch artest...I just couldn't tell them your names for anything. ::lol::
Anyhow, as I was saying before I went all OCD/Must Explain In Detail up there, the pannels were great. I left all the writing ones with story structures dancing though my head, and snippests of diolague chanceing plots around in circles. I tried to write a little (I brought Tenrai with me ::pets laptop::), but there was just too much stuff going on around me for me to focus, and I ended up wanting to focus on all that other stuff just a little more then I wanted to write. But I definatly think that the three pannels I went to the con wanting to attend the most? Were probably my three favorate pannels period, which was just great! The Long Ploty Stories, Podfic 101, and Story Structure. In fact,
raine_wynd made that whole story structure pannel worth it to me in the first five minutes with her explanation of LOCK: Lead, Objective, Conflict, Knockout. She was the only one I actualy took notes in, and for someone who was a last minute fill in, she did a great job, expecialy at makeing sure everyone who wanted to say something got a chance.
Defiantly look for more SUQ fics comeing from me soon, those two writing pannels I mentioned really got me wanting to pick up the fourth book in my sereis again. I curently have Sheila in a very pissy mood, useing magic to scare someone as a result, and Darian litterly frozen in place in a hallway, and everyone else off doing other stuff, and I want to write it! It's all set up, I just gotta get it down, and now with the Long Plotty Stories pannel having given me some great tools, I think I can. That whole seires is basicly interconnected scenes of these people's lives. I've created more orignal chractors for this seires then anything since I was in ST:Voy, I think, and I had to come up with the names of random ensins all the time. ::LOL::
In the end, there was only one pannel I attended that didn't...inspire me. It wasn't that the idea for it was bad, or that the Mods were bad Mods, but it was the only one I left feeling nothing had been acomplished, all the other pannels I felt we had either created something together, or learned something we could later use to create something. I actualy feel kinda guilty that I didn't love this one pannel, because all the others were so incredible, I kinda feel like I'm acting ungreatful at even mentioning it. ::laughs:: And it really wasn't that it was bad at all, and I really do like the mods personaly, and will attend other stuff with them in the future, it just wasn't...well, it just wasn't my favorate. But even though it wasn't my favorate, it was still awsome to sit there and listen to what was going on around me! I learned a lot more about how some fans think, and how it differs from others, and what makes them tick as fans, if nothing else. I went in for a pannel, I came out with a social-pscyology thesis. ::G::
The Non Pannel Events: Wow. I think that vid show will be near impossible to top in the future. Even the vids for fandoms I'd never gotten into before (I was one of the few people who at least knew all the fandoms, there were a lot of people who were confused by the Keen Eddie vid, but hopefuly now that
gwyn_r has pimped it, they'll learn the error of their ways and give it a try...god knows I was slow to get into it, but now still love it, even all these years later), all the vids were incredibly well put together, and crafted with great love. And Oh,
SDWolfpup has put up a list of links on the comm of the vids used...not sure if it's visible to non comm members, but I'll probably go though and link to a few myself here in a day or two.
The group watching of the first ep of Dante's Cove was everything people warned me it would be: Crack, porn, bad acting, worse contenuity, and definatly fun to watch in a group of already cracked-out fans. ::LOL:: Defiantly not something I'll get into on my own, but it was halarous to watch, and left your brain both hurting, and going "wait, what did I just watch?" ::LOL::
And in all hoesty, if someone had told me a week ago that I'd actualy sit down and watch Blades Of Glory and laugh? Yah, no way, not even if I was drugged and hog tied. But I did, was funny, and OH My GOD The slash!! I think that was one of the most openly slashey movies I've ever seen in my life. ::LOL:: (Joan, shut up, I know, but you had to be there, please don't hate me for giving into the dark side, it really was worth it, and no, I promace I will never try to make you watch it, you have my word)
Honestly, just the hanging out with perfect strangers was by far the best part of the whole con, as most everyone will agree, I think. I has so few (ie: none) local "real life" friends around to watch stuff with me anymore.
kierra-windsong and I do, occationaly, love the same show/movie/book and both want to run in the same fandom, but we so rarely agree on an OPT (::cough::cough::spuffy sucks::cough::spike loves xander::cough::cough::). I think the last fandom we both were acutaly harmonious in was Inu Yasha, but I liked Inu/Kagome, and she was a die hard Sess/Rin fan, so only the fact that our OTPs didn't cross kept us okay. ::LOL:: Honestly....Joan, hon, have we ever had the same OTP that you can think of? I meen, in a fandom sence, not just in a "oh, they're great together" sence?
Anyhow, off topic there. ::chuckles:: The just "hanging out" was incredible. Right from the first moment, when I went in before the con even offialy started, knowing NO ONE, and not even haveing anyone going who I even kidna knew to look for, imideatly I was excepted into a group of people and we all went to grab some dinner together. For a lurker to step into a group, and imideatly feel at home and welcomed...that was incredible. It really did remind me of how it used to be, before I got settled into my lurker ways of later fandom. I didn't used to be a lurker, but mostly because in my earlest fandoms, I got in on the ground floor. When you're the first person to create a Doyle Forum the first week the show is on the air, and keep it running for, what, six years? Then yah, yer gunna become a bigger, far more reconised name in the fandom, then if you're, say, someone who just wondered into SGA sometime mid season one and love McShep along with 90% of the rest of the fandom which was already well established by then. I do really miss being more opnely active in fandoms I run in, like how I was in AoS and ST:Voy and Angel, and how I am in SUQ if for no other reason then it's so small (more on that below), and I'm really hopeing that this experence is what I need to push me back out of my lurker habits again. I met so many incredible people, and they were all so incredbily loving. The whole time, in a group of, what was it, around fifty or sixty people? There were only maybe two people whom I didn't really like, but even they aren't people I really hated or can't stand, they were just two people whom I didn't agree with, and I found a little annoying, but not so annoying that I avoided them or anything, I just didn't talk with them much in a one-on-one basis. And for you to only not-love two people out of a group of sixty perfect strangers?
Wow. Incredible, truly incredible.
Pimp My Fandom: Okay, this is gunna go down in my Ultimate Accomplishments Of All Time record as one of the best things. In the space of exactly three minutes, I quite litterly doubbled my fandom.
Yah, I'm really not exagurating that.
Selynne checked yesterday, in the span of around twelve hours, the SUQ Archive's hits jumped about seventy hits!!! In twelve hours!!!
All weekend long, I was pimping SUQ at any and every oppertunity, so there was a little more prep then just the three minutes, but still. Wow. All weekend, I told anyone who'd listen about SUQ, and let them know that not only could they get all six books in .pdf format curitsy of Selynne's hard work, but I actualy all all six of those .pdfs on my flashdrive on my keychain in my pocket right that minute. And it was really fun to see how many people would overhear one of those conversations I was having, and at the word Unicorn, would do that classic slapstick move where their head stays in place, but their feet keep going for a few steps before snapping back to lineup with their bodies. ::LOL:: Apprently "Unicorn" is a great keyword for gathering people to your fandom.
So I was the first person up in the Pimp Your Fandom event, which was the last offical event before the con officaly ended, everyone had exactly three minutes (timed by
qe2 to say what your fandom was, what it was about, why it was so incredable, and why anyone should give a fuck, let alone why they should join you in it.
Now, I've never liked public speeking, in fact, I hate it. It's one thing to toss out questions, or throw in sarcastic, mocking comments in a group, that I'm good at, but just standing up infront of a group of people and giving a speach!?! Oh God, I hate that. That's a large part of why my brain went so totaly blank durring Fannish Pictionary. As soon as I sat down, I could see what I should have drawn that would have gotten it arcross in about four pictures. So I was kinda fearful about going up for Pimping, and then to hear my name called first! Oh God.
But you know what? It ROCKED! It was such an incredible high! And the whole group got into it, too! As I was giving the summery of the series (at a rather quick pased speed as I wanted to get a lot in inside a very short window of time), the group would cheer or boo accordingly. "It's about a young girl from the 1980's (::chearing::), who gets transported into an alternate Earth with Magic! (::chearing::) and Unicorns! (::wild chearing::), and she joins a band of freedom fighters lead by a hot, blond, teenage warror (::crowd goes NUTS::) who has to fight against and evil usurper and it's dark mage! (::BOOOOOOOOO!::) And she comes into this world with only her backpack from school, with things like a flashlight, and a tape player with a Bon Jovi album (::Bon Jovi! WOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!::), and so they think she's a mage, too! (::Bon Jovi! Whooo Hooooo!!!::)"
It was FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!! I really couldn't describe that high. Afterwords I passed around a notebook and pen and got people to give me their E-mail Addresses if they wanted a copy of the first book in .pdf format. I sat down and watched as the next few people went up and pimped away, and by the time the book came back to me, I looked at it and saw about five names, and went "Okay, not overwelming, but that's not bad at all! God knows it's give more people then we have now, and we need every one!" ...and then I looked up and saw a little note at the top of the page: "Unicorn Queen: Page Two"
I flipped the page over, and found page one was filled to the brim with addies!! All totaled, I had about TWENTY PEOPLE who asked for copies of "Swept Away"!!!!
While there are more people who check out the archive, or swing through the fandom acctioanly going "Oh, I loved this series when I was a kid", we only officaly have Sixteen People who have actualy joined the
SOTUQ Comm!! Sixteen...and now TWENTY MORE! I meen, even if only a handful of them actualy want the next book? That's still mind blowing. I meen, I still really can not wrap my brain around that concept. How the hell did I just do that? ::LOL:: sum up....there is absolutly know way I can sum all this up. ::LOL:: I am exausted byond belief, and I wish to god it was still going on. ::LOL:: I am definatly gunna see if I can save up enough by next March to go to Muskrat Jamboree, and I've even got Sel considering it, too. That would be just...I can't even describe how cool that would be, to have Sel and I both in a group like this, pimping away and meeting fans and running into BNFs and going "OMG, BNF" and suqeeing together.
I'll probably think of everyting I skipped here in awhile, but as I said, exausted, so it'll have to wait. To finish: This Time It's Personal. Thank you. ::is ded::