Aaaand it's time for everybody's favorate posting subject: More Medical Updates. ::sighs:: How, oh how, does a gene pool this fucked up keep reproducing? I meen, seriously people? Who's in charge of the fucking clorhine?
Donna: Okay, so Donna's finaly comeing out of the denial stage of this, which, YAY, finaly healthy desission makeing, but BOO, as this now meens she has to actualy deal with life instead of pretending that she's okay with it all.
The latest rounds of tests show that the cancer has now spread to almost every single organ in her abdomin, her lungs, her lympatic system, as well as her bones. With this new information, she's desided to do one last round of Chemo, and then stop. She still wants to fight, but Chemo is very difinatly not the anwser, which we all knew. She's gunna switch to a natururopath. This'll probably meen she'll go downhill faster, but hopefuly that'll be ballanced out by her being healther longer 'til it reaches that point. We won't know for sure 'til after the Chemo is done and it's poisons medications are flushed out of her system.
The biggest thing is she really watns to live, and she's a real fighter, so that's good, but up 'til now, she's been in deep deep denial, so it's kinda up in the air what her desisions are really gunna be once she actualy stops the chemo and starts other health plans.
Only time will tell on that front, so onto the next one, and it's one that dosen't come up much in these updates:
Sean: Yah, for the first time in a long time, the brother-in-law is part of the medical update roundup.
So I get a call yesterday around 5, and it's Krista, she sounds a little stressed, so I ask if she's okay. She says, and this is a quote here, "Yah, I'm okay, I just wanted to give you guys an update. I'm at the hospital still, but doing okay."
So, yah, of course I'm imideatly thinking "Oh god, it's the baby, not again, not this soon, Mom's already told a dozen or more people..."
And Krista dosen't get why my first words are "Oh god, are you alright?" ::facepalm:: Apparently Krista is under the impression that she told us all weeks ago that Sean was gunna need surgry for his kidney stones. ::banging head on desk::
Yah, anyone else getting Mom falshbacks here? ::sighs::
Now, Krista did let it out that Sean had kidney stones about six months ago, because we were all wondering why Sean was acting totaly bitchey, takeing new pills, and spending all his time in bed, but apprently he was really embarised by anyone knowing, so Krista just told us, and then we all just kept our mouths shut about it. But we all just assumed that once Sean was up and about again, that they were passed and he was fine.
Well, apprently they never passed, so yesterday Sean had to go into surgry and have them removed, and then sent down to a lab to be tested. ::sighs:: Which, as I said above, Krista thought she'd told us all about god only knows how long ago...needless to say, she didn't. None of us knew, she hadn't told anyone, so she called every person in the family, and started each conversation with "I'm at the hosptail and doing okay..." ::facepalm again:: And she dosen't get why we're all kidna pissed at her for this... ::sighs::
You know, all these medical updates remind me of a favorate quote which I keep comeing back to in my life. In a book (or possibly a pamphet, I've never been able to track down the oringal) titled "The So-Called Human Race", it's said "A bore is a man who, when you ask him how he is, he tells you."
In the cronic illness comunity, the one thing we rarely ask eachother is "How are you feeling today?" Not unless it's over something spacific, like someone is looking particularly upset, or we know for a fact they had a really bad night or something, then we ask spacificly about that. Because otherwise, that "How are you" and "How are you feeling", is the first thing everybody, and I meen everybody asks us when they see us, but we know that 99% of them don't actualy want to know the anwser, they just wanna hear us say "I'm doing okay" or "Yah, doing better." or what have you. So that's what we all say, "I'm doing fine today." When what we really meen is "Yah, fine: Fucked up, Insicure, Nurotic, and Emotinal. Yah, that 'bout sums it up, how are you?" ::snickers::
I definatly hope I can share this quote with Donna sometime soon, I don't think Mom'll get it, but I think that, by this point, she will. Mom only gets it when she's acutaly down with something major, like when she had her cancers and everyone was asking her how she was feeling. Now I doubt she'd find the connection to it...but I really think Donna will connect with it. I hope I can see her soon to let her into the club, I think she finds it kinda odd that I'm one of the few people who dosen't ask that question, though she probably thinks it's mom's influance rather then my own experinences in play. Hmm.