Nope, Still Don't Like Kids, And Neither Does Nick...But...

Mar 13, 2008 20:46

But that was just too cute.

Okay, so tonight is Sine Die (prononced Sigh-nee di-ee, usualy), which is the act of closeing a legislative session, which apprently Anne had to be at work for, so the plan was for Mom and I to have the kids, while Dad was at a going away party for a workmate, and he'd make it home in time to help put them to bed.

So I plan my scheudal, I make sure I'm up in time to help (seem to be sleeping though the day curently), and I'm sitting here, waiting for Mom and the Boys to pull up, when I get a call from Dad, and all he has to ask is "Did Mom tell you about the change in plans?"

::snort:: My basic anwser was to start laughing, and note how likely that was. Turns out, Mom took the boys to join Dad's going away part. ::facepalm:: The call was Dad "asking" if I wanted to drive across town and join them for mexican dinner. But he was really asking was "Oh God, Buddy, please, please drive across town and join us for dinner! Please!"

And how could I say no to that? ::chuckles:: So I get there, and then all his workmakes get a kick over how Brian imideatly abandon's Papa, to go into my arms, and just refuse to go back.

The boys were actualy pretty well behaved, considering. I got there just in time to discover mom had tought them to do shooters with the little cups of half-and-half. ::facepalm:: Yah, they were doing Milk Shots. With Half-and-Half. I am not makeing that up. I blinked hard a few times, helped Brian drink his, and said (to no one in particular, though everyone watching laughed except Mom) "This is wrong on so many levels."

All I can say is that at least tonight we don't have to worry about them getting enough calories. Mom was acutaly spoon feeding them sour cream at one point. ::facepalm:: I Meen, my horror is only slightly midigated by the fact that they both loved it, but GOD! Spoon feeding them sour cream!! ::shudders:: BLECK!

All of us managed to get some food into us, when Mom desided it was time to take them home. I wasn't actualy done eatting, as I had gotten there alter, and didn't even start eatting 'til after they were almost finished, but it was a goodbye party for someone I had never met so it's not like I could hang around finishing. ::sighs:: Anyhow, we got them up, and out, and since we were all in seprate cars, Dad and I hung back to pay the bill and say his goodbyes, when Mom calls saying "oh, btw, I desided to take them to Toys-R-Us instead of home."


Yah. I sware I think I may have actuly *faceplamed* that one in reality, too. Dad asked if I wanted to join, which I replied with a "oh hell no" of course. ::G:: He accepted this, and then proceded to thank me profucely for rideing to the rescue. He really needed me there, and I think he's a little pissed mom brought them at all, because I know he didn't get to talk to his friend much.

::shakes head:: Anyhow...Mom came home with Clay's month-early birthday present of a scooter. Jeee, do I feel another facepalm comeing on? And of course, she didn't get Brian one, so you can imagine how much fun that was. Oh yes, there it is... ::facepalm::

I don't think you guys raelise how many wheeled toys these kids already have. Everytime they try to fly them down the stairs or run the other one over, we take them outside...and then mom proceeds to imideatly go out and buy them a new one. ::sighs:: This one is a classic actual scooter, one you stand up on and with handlebars and all, only it's bright red plastic like a Radio Flyer, and has three wheels, not two, for stablity. Still, Clay managed to nearly fall off it half the times he rode it. Thankfuly we planned for this, and insisted "no rides without a helmit". But when we couldn't find Brian's, we gave in, and since he's to little to actualy stand on it, and push it with his foot, without falling off of it, instead he stood on it and I pushed him while bracing him myself so he couldn't fall.

Anyhow, all that wasn't the "OMG So Cute" part. The OMG So Cutetm part was when we were suposed to be getting them ready for bed. Mom kept them out so late, it was actualy bed time by the time they got home. Anyhow, Clay's been on a Swiper kick (chrator from Dora the Explorer, Swiper is the wheezel/mink/ferret/whatever that steals anything until you say "Swiper No Swipeing" ::eyeroll::), and mom had the bright idea of telling him Swiper was down in my room for the night, so he couldn't swipe Clay's new scooter. When Clay wanted to know why he'd stay in there, mom said my Newt would keep him there. Swiper is, apprently, now afraid of my newt Nick.

This, of coruse, had the imideat reaction of Clay insisting on seeing both Swiper and Nick. ::sighs:: I had already planed to clean Nicks' tank tonight, so instead I brought him up to clean everything.

Both boys were fasinated! Wow. And they were suprisingly good about the "no touching" rule. That is to say, we only had to grab their hands half a dozen times per minute, instead of the usual two dozen times we do around food/cooking/knives/hot things/etc. They were both really good about holding still with him, too, and we even let them hold Nick on the backs of their hand, each once. Clay was really good with that, actualy, I was impressed. He was incredibly still, compaired to his usual manaic self. And he learned quickly that holding him on the back of his hand ended if he tried to touch him with his other hand.

Brian got him for less time, obviously, as he didn't quite get the "no touch" rule so well, nor the "hold still while he's on you" rule, and by then Nick was makeing angry vibes at me, and repetly trying to run off of their hands and back onto mine. Which, in all honesty, left me all "Awww, Nick loves me!" Or at least "Awww, Nick hates me less then he hates being on these two..." Either way, the "Awww" componate was there. ::G::

I put Nick in a bowl of water with one of his "trees" to rest while I cleaned his tank, and basicly he did everything he could to ingore the two babies stairing at him and going "Hi, Newt." and "No be scared, newt!" (Again with the Awwww factor)

We finaly had to take Nick away, though, when they both kept blowing on him, which for them is half spitting. We're not sure what brought this on, as I made a point not to mention that Nick is a Fire Bellied Newt, as species diferenchals are still way byond them both, and if anything, Nick is cold aginst yer skin, not hot. And the blowing thing? That's what we've tought them to do to hot stuff, you blow on it to make it cooler. So yah, still confused there. We kept telling them "Don't blow on him! Blowing on him will make him sick!" And they'd stop for a sec, then one or the other of them would start up again and that'd start the other off. ::sighs:: I couldn't really explain to them why it would make him sick, they're a little to young to understand my explanation of "they absorb stuff though their skin, so blowing on them is like spitting your germs directly into their blood and you could hurt him!"

I basicly had to sit back and consintrate on cleaning, and let Mom handle them, because as cute as they were together, once that started I wanted to rush over, pull him away and go "NO! Bad babies! No hurt newt! Baaaaaad." and cuddle Nick 'til he forgave me for ever daring to bring him upstairs. Nick already hates being moved, and really hates when I have to clean his tank. Nick's not big on change in genoral.

Anyhow, when Mom did finaly take Nick away, they were both very upset, and didn't wanna go to bed 'til they could see him again, which I flat out refused, as Nick was doing everything short of playing dead to make them go away. So instead, Mom promaced them both they could see him again on Saturday! ::sighs:: ::hangs head:: Oh lord, Nick is never gunna forgive me for this. ::sighs::

By the time I got his tank ready for him, Nick sat on my hand, turned, and just rested there makeing happy "oh thank god, it's just you" noises at me. I think that meens he forgives me...or maybe just that he's glad I'm not them, I'm not sure, but I'll take what I can get.

As pissy as it made Nick, it really was adorable to see them together. I didn't look at the kid's faces much, because I didn't wanna take my eyes of Nick incase he desided to do a run and leap off a hand (he's done it before, thank God I was holding him over a counter and not above the floor), but when I did look up, they were just full of wonder and amaizement. And they were both trying so hard to keep still. Brian expeicaly wanted Nick back on his hand again, he really wanted to do that again. As much as Nick'll hate it, I do wanna do it again so I can get pictures of them together. That was just so cute.

Nick's back down here with me now, exploring the new configuration of trees in his tank, and the new extra-water-depth, periodicaly stopping to give me "hate it when you do this" looks. ::LOL:: I can never figure out if Nick prefures deep water to really swim in as long as I leve enough stuff above the water for him to climb up out of, or if he prefures lower water, so ther'es lots of above-the-waterline for him to sleep on. So to split the difrence, when I clean his tank, I fill it pretty full, so it takes awhile to evaporate, then I leave it low-ish for awhile, then just add extra water for a few weeks to top it off at a comfterbul level for him until the next cleaning.

I definatly need to keep it high like this for the end of the month. I'll be at PasifiCon the last weekend of March, which meens Dad'll be takeing care of him, and Dad nearly freeked when he couldn't find nick for the first three days of my being up at Danika's last week. ::LOL:: God, he was so sure Nick had either gotten out, or had died or something. He only realaxed when on the last day, Nick came out of hideing for him. I tried to explain to dad that the fact that he came out of hideing for him at all was impressive, and meens Nick trusts him (as much as he trusts anyone not-me), but I think dad was still a little too upsst about the hiding in the first place to get that. ::LOL:: Nick really is an amaizing hider. Even I have troubble finding him, half the time, and Dad did everything short of dumping the whole tank out, looking for him. ::LOL::

Okay, and now I'm beyond the rambling story stage and into the babbling phase. ::lol:: Sorry 'bout that. Meds. ::shrugs:: Anyhow how, to sum up: Kids doing shots of half-and-half, cute but disturbing; Mom buying more wheeled toys of death, cute but scarry; Nick with Clay and Brian, cute byond words, but disturbing for Nick; Nick in genroal, Awwwww, he does love me! {{huggle vibes in the dirction of Nick's tank}}

PS: Also, I think I now need a Pets icon. Spacificly one of Nick, but one to use when talking about the family pets in genoral. Hummm...

clay, awwww!, babies, pets, *facepalm*, brian, life

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