World of Fail

Mar 04, 2008 23:01

I've desided I need an icon that says "Congratulations: I have run out of words for how Epic your Fail is." Or something to that effect.

How in the world, have petty little bitches survived the cullings? I meen...meanness and arrogance I understand, they fall into the catigory of an agressive mind, which is offten nessicary for survivle in the wild and the world. I'm talking about those vishus, poisnus little piss-ants who take pleasure in thinking they are above those around him, and so attack freely and with cuts but no power. How is this a survivle trait? It's so offten found in the young, young teenaged or teenage-minded girls expeicaly, so I really don't see how those traits have been breed onwords. I meen, in an older woman, it makes since as she's already passed the traits onto her young, but in this young girls, who have not yet reached an age to spawn, why have they not been long since weeded out?

I really don't see the purpus of them, or how they have made it this long in evolution.

Plus? They're fucking annoying.

I let a little piss-ant get to me more then I should have, emotinaly. She's petty and when she couldn't find fault with my argument, she made it a personal attack with my dislexia. Yah, like I am using my spelling as a direct insult to her, just to "ruin her internets", as she puts it. ::eyeroll:: Talk about epic fail.

I was already in not the best spot emotinaly, I didn't wanna post anything yesterday, because it was our anivesery, and I didn't wanna spoil that day, but yesterday ended up not being very nice. Topped off with the news of Skip moving. {{{HUGS SKIP}}} I'm really not sure why this little twit got to me, though. I meen, she didn't even have an argument, just a small mind and petty minded words of bigotry, but something about it hit me oddly. I really still don't know why.

In the end, I just walked away. Turns out she and the oringal blogger who I was talking to (no the second girl who butted in after we were done) contenued on with their idocy after I left. ::eyeroll:: I really just...don't even get what bothered her so much. I meen...yah, I'm fucking what? It's not her bussness, it wasn't even her blog. No one past the age of fucking twelve goes to someone elses home and starts to critisize their friends neighbors across a fence. I, talk about showing her lack of age.

I am glad I had a Guild meeiting tonight. Helped remind me that, hay, guess what? I'm Not In High School Any More! I got to leave little bitches like that behind Ten Years Ago, long before she ever got to, if she ever got to. At least when I'm at the guild, I know I'm among people who not only like me, but respect me. And you know what? Some of them are three times my age, and can't spell either! Only since they're three times my age, no one fucking cares!

I fianly got to show of my foux-Beatten Copper with Pitina pieces, this was the first meeting I've made it to since I made them. They were a huge hit. Far better reception then I was expecting, by far. I thought it was gunna be "oh cool, but So-And-So-Famous-Person has been doing that for the last 20 yaers..."

But turns out? Nope, no one quite does it my way, at least not offten enough to be known for it. ::LOL!:: Haveing people like Charlie Nagel (who's actualy famous for his patina work) and Julia Sober and Meredith Arnold asking me how I did something!? Do you know how fucking cool that feels??

Plus I had two requests to teach this technique now. ::LOL:: I wore the Cat Tails Pendant tonight (I finaly strung it on a leather cord) and all night long I had people comding up to me and asking me how I did that, or where I bought it. ::LOL::

And the fact that I can make these people laugh? Without even trying? Yah, that definatly went a long way to makeing me feel more like myself. I really don't know why I let the little bitch get to me, just like I don't know why she went after me in the first place. Someone asked a question, I offered an explation. Just a thought on the subject, nothing more, nothing else, then I left. I come back twenty minutes later, and WTF? ::sighs:: ::shakes head::

Ah well, petty peoeple, petty arguments, petty problems, pitty them. ::shrugs:: Let them grow up, enter the real world, and then they can talk to me at my level. 'Til then? Bless them, fuck them, and let the their shit go.

In that order. ::G::

annoypid, polymer clay, *facepalm*, anniversary, life, lj, nwpcg, pissed off, wtf!?!, the net, crafts, curent events

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