New Show! Yay!

Jan 21, 2008 14:23

Okay, so really, this is all kageygirl's fault. I totaly blame her. Eventhough she bearly knows me, and really only knows me at all because I'm recording (yes, still) one of her fics. But it's still compleaty her fault.

You see, kageygirl has been a favorate author of mine for a very long time, and in fact it was her fic that I'm recording, "Verb, Transitive", that actualy got me reading McKay/Sheppard, not just gen SGA fics. I knew I liked SGA, it was a great show, but I never last long in a fandom without a ship to drive me. It was her fic that made me go "OMG, how did I miss this? They're So In Love! Duh!" and dive in head first (this was the week that The Defient One 1x12 aired). So to know that there are Kagey fics out there in the world that I can't read because I don't watch the show? That was just torture! And so not fair.

So now that the strike is dragging on, and I'm all cought up on my BBC/UK/CA series, I desided to go ahead and watch NCIS on and see if I could at least watch the show long enough to get to know the chractors, so I could read the fics anyways.

Turns out? THIS SHOW ROCKS!!! I LOVE IT!! I was stunned. The two eps I'd seen in the was okay, but the other one was really bad, so I was kinda fearing this was just some military themed CSI alterntive. Man, this blows CSI so far out of the water, it's not even funny. I meen, this show actualy has continuity. I meen, real, honest to god contenuity! If something happens in one ep? It has still happed in the next ep! The time lines actualy cross over, not just in the Arcs, but just how life goes. If Kate is dating a guy name Dwane (SP?), hay, he keeps calling in later eps! If Duckey is working on a particularly grusom autopsie, guess what? They haven't nessicarly cought the culpriate who cut the bodies up an put them into a bearrel of alchoal at Ft. Bragg(?) Bethesda in the next ep? In fact, guess what? Turns out there are even more bodies mixed in! Oh, oh, and if DiNozzo makes out with a M-to-F Trannie, guess what? He gets teased about it in the next ep!

Do you know how rare that is in any show? God, expeicaly one made in the USA? I meen, the most contenuity you get on CSI is maybe Warrick panics after Nick gets kidnapped and tortured, and runs out and marries some woman, and then in later eps the marrage fails and he needs a devorce. So every few eps we hear him complain about her checking up on him when he's working, or he thinks she's cheeting, or she calls him or something. Or else it's an Arc thing, so like Greg getting sued by the family of the kid he was forced to kill to save an innocent victom beaing beatten. But despite Greg getting put into the hosptial, waht, three times that season alone? There is no mention of the last time he was hospitalised when the lab blew up. That just drove me fucking nuts, and that's why that show, above all others of it's kind, needed fanfic, just to fix those gaps. Sadly, it's a relitivly small fandom, just a little too big to be considred Rare, so there's no where near enough Fixes out there.

But NICS? I meen...even their science is more accurate then CSI! Which really? Says a lot more about how badily CSI deals with reality then how well NCIS does. ::LOL:: I meen, no show deals with acurate timelines on how long a DNA test takes in the feild, but everything else? Pretty damned accurate. Which is just stunning after being forced two watch CSI for my mistery/science-crime fixes for so long. If I want a good mystory, I watch something like Criminal Minds, or even Numb3rs. But the sience on CSI has gotten so pathetic that I've been reduced to watching it for no other reason then to see if Greg brakes down and just starts makeing out with Nick in the hallway or something to pass the time. I mostly have it on for noise when I'm doing crafts or something. Two weeks ago I did a few days of marathons to catch up on the last two seasons, and afterwords my brain just hurt.

And possibly the second best thing about the show (after the actual oh god wonderful continuity) is probably how they deal with new chractors. The series is in S5 now, and I knew the chractor of McGee was a main chractor as far back as I've been aware of the seires and was in the two eps I saw, but he wasn't in the early eps, so I kept waiting for the death of a main chractor! In any other show (with the exception of anything Joss does), once they have the main cast set, the only time a new chractor is added, is when an old one leaves, either by choice, or by death. So I kept waiting for someone to die or blow up or something. But, hay, no, they actualy introduce McGee as a reoccuraing background chractor first! And for the entire first season! He pops up here 'n there in the early eps, and then by the end of S1, he's on most of the last eps. But even when one of the background chractors who's already establsiehd dies, he dosn't automaticly take over his desk. In fact, now that I think about it, even in S2 when McGee does become a full flegged regular, he dosen't get the guy's desk! ::LOL::

And can I just say, I Love the relationshps in this show, too? I meen, any other show, if you have not one, but two unmarried males in the lead with an unmarried female on the same team? Any other US show would be setting one of them up for a Cannon OTP! I meen, my god, look at Grissom/Sarah! It dosen't matter how bad they were, or the fact that they had no chemistry and were actaly fucking creepy together, but TPTB forced them on us for years. And they even tried for Warrick/Catherine a few times. Dosen't matter if it worked for the chractors, they were unmarried, and there for must be 'shipped.

Thank GO NCIS got past that in ep 1! ::clasps hands, looks above, and thanks God:: I meen, DiNozzo and Kate tease eachother about sexual situations, but in the end, they're far more Sibblings then Lovers in the energy even when they do. I meen, it's not even a feel of BFFs, but sibblings. And they, thankfuly, keep Gibbs waaaay outta the picture. In the early eps, I was afraid that DiNozzo's devotion to Gibbs would be a Hero Worshp/In Love vibe, but imideatly it resolved into Deep Respect/Trust with no lust mixed in. Even in CSI, I still think Nick is half in love with Grissom, even though he's not actualy In-Love In Love with him.

And you know what? Within seconds of seeing them together on screen, I knew DiNozzo/McGee was my OTP. Hands down, no questions asked, and thankfuly that's what Kageygirl writes! Woot! I love that beneith all the teasing is honest respect, and that McGee acutaly teases back! He's not blinded by hero worship, or "OMG, He's Been Doing this Longer" or rank issues or anything. Even before McGee became a regular, I thought DiNozzo was gay (deeply in the closet, WOW, so deep in the closet, but gay none the less), which made McGee's entrance kinda nice, since it didn't seem like a "Gay For You" situation, like you get with some slash pairings. Sooooooo much of The Sentinel fic was taken up with Jim being "Blair-Sexual", and Oh My GOD I came to hate that fan-ism. ::headesk:: So many fans seemed split between Jim being totaly Gay-Verginal, never even looking at another guy at any point in his life, or totaly hard core, deeply, deeply homo, and having slept with every guy he's ever met, including each and every CO he ever served with in the army. I meen, I agree, I don't think that Jim was Out And Proud before Blair, but that dosen't meen that Blair made him gay. Jeeze. ::shakes head:: Sexuality, in most cases, goes deeper then just one person. ::sighs:: Thanks to that fandom, I grew to really really hate the "Gay For You" pairings in genoral. Yah, in a lot of my slash fandoms, I can just as easily believe that this is their first actual gay experience, but it works because each of those parings is based on friendship, not just "hay, we're on the same show, lets fuck".

So the fact that yah, I like DiNozzo/McGee and they work as either friends, or just colleagues, or as an OTP...that's so incredibly rare in any fandom. Its there if you want to see it, but if not, it can be taken other ways, but at no time do I have to squint to see it! They may tease and haze and drive eachother nuts, but they actualy like eachother.

That's so incredibly rare. I love it. squeee! I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!

And wow, that really went on longer then I thought. ::LOL:: I didn't meen to ramble on quite that long.

However, that being said...does anyone else reading this do NCIS? 'Coz I'm watching all the eps in order, but I really wanna start reading fics, but don't wanna be spoiled too badly...I'm wondering if anyone can point me to DiNozzo/McGee fics that don't spoil past S2? I just started S2, but don't mind getting some spoilers ahead of myself, I just don't wanna skip down to S5 or something, because then I'll spend the next few weeks of watching waiting for whatever-particular-thing to happen. I hate that. Some shows I don't mind, like ST:Voy, I knew what happend months ahead of an ep airing, and SGA, I'm mixed, some things I know, but some things I avoid (like I didn't know about the ring last week, Thank God or I'd have been dredding it for weeks like apprently ever other person on LJ was ::snickers::).

So...can anyone rec anything? Or for that matter, ::hopeful:: can anyone even just suqee with me? ::puppy dog eyes:: I don't think anyone here is really a fan, but there's always hopeing, and I'd love to have someone I could Squee with as I watch the eps.

And now? Back to watching! Yay! I've already hit one of the two eps I'd already seen (2x02, The Good Wives Club), but the other one I think was S4, which as I understand is widly held by fans to have sucked in genroal, so I'm not too woried about the eps until then. Back to it. ::rubs hands together gleafuly::

whoo hoo!, ncis, geek/nerd, random, tv, yay!

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