May 17, 2006 06:05
It's Wednesday. I don't really know what that means for me but I do know it is the middle of the week and I don't like Wednesdays. But that could all be solved with one nice long nap today. I'm feeling rather tired and kinda sick. But there is too much to do today. It's cold outside except for the weather man said it would be 70 by 4pm. I think he's lying again. Which wouldn't be the first time....
Did you know any time you say the puppy dog's name she gets up? It's rather entertaining to try. Also if you leave her outside after she has done her thing, she barks to let you know she is done going potty.
She herself smells like School Food and Laundry Soap, however when she gives kisses...she smells ewwwww.....There isn't a word to describe what it smells like in that area of her body... Cat Poop and Dog Food are the combo that is in there.. Along with dirt, and licking herself...
Yet as I say this the kitten is sitting on the floor next to me licking himself as well in a very weird position....but thats Tiger for ya.. weird and unusual.
Just like me?
I'm off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz....(Not really...more like off to see the coffee man down the street for my morning tea!)