May 16, 2006 06:15
ubber tired so this is my "I'm sorry" to anyone I happen to be an ubber bitch to today unless however you happen to need someone to be an ubber bitch to you. However those people know who they are.
Those people include:
=People who said they would show up yesterday and never did
=People who are angry at me but said they wern't going to be angry at me
=People who have egos the size of texas times two and think the sun shines from their asses
=People who think because they are "pretty" its ok to be a bitch...your really wrong there I Don't care how "pretty" you are if you arn't pulling your weight in this I will kick your ass to the middle of africa.
=People who can't drive because their ear is connected to their cell phone.
This list is subject to change any time I feel the need for it to change so get over it.