Fic: Trouble Near Cardiff, by Used_Songs

Aug 15, 2008 13:31

Title: Trouble Near Cardiff
Rating: Mature (sex) depending on outcome
Length:  Depends on you!
Character(s)/Pairing(s):  Toshiko-centric, with team and John
Warnings:  Crack, crack, and more crack, with a soupcon of high-octane snark.
Spoilers:  Mild for KKBB and Fragments.
Summary:  A "Choose Your Own Adventure" story, Torchwood style.

Why you should read it:   Oh yeah.  Those of us of a certain age will remember Choose-your-own-adventure stories (the last one I read was chasing after a unicorn horn...darn dragon ate me every time.  But I digress).   They kind of died out after a while (oh hai, internetz!), but that doesn't mean they weren't a good time. 
used_songs did a whiz-bang job of recreating one for our favourite sci-fi soap opera superheros, with Tosh in the driver's seat, Gwen being a mishmash of awesome and flaky, Owen being Owen, John being a sexy bastard, and Jack and Ianto...well, see for yourself.  Amazingly enough for what is essentially a crack!fic, the characters are all more or less in character, except when the author's being snarky.

I'd say more about it, but I'm too busy laughing my fool head off.

Warning: do NOT read while drinking anything.  Neither the author nor I can be responsible for damage to your keyboard.

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sex: slash, character: jack, character: tosh, genre: action, character: ianto, character: team, genre: adventure, pairing: ianto/tosh, sex: gen, genre: humour, pairing: owen/tosh, pairing: jack/other, character: john hart, character: owen, era: series two, length: multipart, genre: sex, pairing: tosh/john, category: crack, sex: het, pairing: jack/ianto, genre: thriller, character: gwen, reccer: antelope_writes, rating: mature (sex), pairing: threesome

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