While the other kids came up with predictable stuff and kissed up to Ms. Clary, Isabella seems to have grasped things about this life most people five times her age usually struggle with.
Looking at this photo I thought I could almost hear them singing "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" for a second. That would be one way to ruin Christmas difficult to compete with.
I never thought the day when I would be that close to being on the same wave with North Korea's News Service would ever come. Unfortunately it has. It is a scary thing to realise.
We saw a lot of these in Moldova. They seem to be everywhere. In this case the American people financed the rehabilitation of the irrigation system in Cosnita (Cosh-nee-tsah) village.
Read today that there are way more museums (around 35,000) in the U.S. than there are Starbucks (around 11,000) and McDonalds (around 14,000) combined. Had a Starbucks coffee in my hand while reading it but took me around five minutes to remember the last time I visited a museum.