I did not find shorts.

May 31, 2008 23:14

I really like those plaid longish shorts everyone seems to be selling but I didn't find any that liked me back. So instead I bought some sassy khaki capris from New York & Company. They sound like the kind of store who would be snobby with tiny clothes but they actually have a decently priced selection of clothes that come in my size. I also got some longer pin striped capris from Gordman's which look pretty classy. It was a good shopping day, as was yesterday when I went to the Galleria with Stephanie. Well, except the part where I'm significantly lacking the paycheck I was given yesterday. Oh well, I needed clothes and my mom hates both shopping and spending money. I have no idea where I got my zealous consumerism from. My next paycheck will go towards books and other recreational things like movies.

More importantly than shopping, I went with Stephanie and Brandon to see Chuck Palahniuk read in an art gallery in St. Louis. Another author read a short story before him but I completely forgot his name, but his story was good. Then Chuck threw ear plugs to the audience in case anyone got offended during the evening. He also threw out blow-up dolls, male and female to be fair, and there was a contest to see who could blow theirs up first. The winner recieved some sort of hard to find book written by someone else I believe. Unfortunatly, we were sitting on the floor so we did not stay the whole night as much as we wanted to. We did stay for the short story he wrote just for the tour. It was about a sorority girl who had taken acid while on the Price is Right. It follows her all the way to the showcase showdown where she bids a billion trillion dollars. Presumably, because she was on acid. It was extremely enjoyable. I love that everythingin St. Louis is free.

I have been searching for a job but so is everyone else. It at least makes me feel better applying places because then I feel like I am trying to change my situation. I think that's what really counts.

I have not been doing a lot. There's probably more people I should be seeing but I am enjoying alone time greatly. I do really want to go to a party though. I don't feel like spending time with anyone but mingling sounds fabulous. It's like instead of taking a chance on an unknown dish, I get the sampler platter instead.
Love & Sunshine,

p.s. My brother's finacee is going to have black bridesmaid dresses. My brother then commented that this was because it was his funeral. I found this to be quite funny. For the record, I hate black in weddings but good for her.
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