I am in a weird place in my life. I don't know if I like this game anymore. I think I want to get off this ride. Anxiety consumes me each and every day. Good times. Need help, but don't want it. I'm a basket caseeeee
P.S. In case you didn't know (and in case anyone reads this and cares) I'm dating Jill Dublois. :) AND I am an assistant manager at hot topic in taunton now. Go me!
I'm finally happy again. Though I'm still quite crazy. And always anxious, but that's my own fault, because I can't keep a handle on my finances to save my life. I think it's the word "boyfriend" that is the source of the crazy. It's not a bad word, or anything of the sort. It just caught me by surprise. Hmm.
Can't I get off this roller coaster? It's gone on far too long and it's going way too fast. My youth is slipping away minute by minute at an alarming rate.
I'm going on a completely random excursion to Newport to see Tim. Boy biffles are the bestest.