Today was good

Jul 10, 2008 00:23

I woke up around lunch and spent most of the afternoon reading,browsing the net and petting my puppy(who apparently wanted lots of love today). Then on the way to help out at softball practice I turned on the radio and Jimmy Buffet's Magaritaville was playing. <3 I immediately started singing along. I just order a Jimmy Buffet cd from Amazon last week and I can't wait for it to arrive. His songs seem perfect to listen to in the summer. On the way home I picked up my film. I'm really happy with how most of the turned out.I'm going to try and scan them and add them to my new flicr. Any tips on scanning? 
Then a few minutes ago I came across this quote-

"When you asked for my hand a few minutes ago, I was still too young to marry." I looked up at him and saw a smile start. "I'm older now, so much older that not only can I marry, but I can beg you to marry me." I knelt and took his hand.

He didn't let me kneel before him. He pulled me up and kissed me again. I took that to signify his consent.
- Ella Enchanted, Gail Carson Levine.

I LOVE this book! It was a favorite ever since a friend introduced it to me.She also once told me I would make a good Ella which made me grin whenever I remembered it. I also used to love that the cooks name was Mandy,same as me. :) Pay no attention to the horrible movie of the same name.It was one of the few movies I walked out of the theatre hating. Why not just name is something else if all you do is steal character names and  a vague sense of direction from the plot? But seriously,embrace your inner pre-teen/teen and check this book out.

Also,have you guys seen the Twilight poster on Entertainment Weekly? 
look and laugh! ->
HAHAHAHA,it's so bad! It's not even bad romance novel cover bad,it's just terrible. I laugh at Twilight,all the Mom age fans are probably loving it. I still say Lestat could kick Edwards sparkly butt. As for Bella(who is setting back feminism from what I've read around online) put her up against Pandora even. Anne Rice VC/Dracula >>>Twilight.  *braces for the possible attack of .1% of sparkly vampire lovers that are maybe on her f-list*

Anyway, bon nuit all. Hope your days were as good as mine.

keyword-93, keyword-59

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