more Dark Knight marketing going on RIGHT NOW!

Jul 10, 2008 22:12

The 'bomb' on  has gone off. Clicked it takes you to the Citizens for Batman site. On the 8th, New York and Chicago fans met up by the Sears Tower and whatever building in NY and large batman signals were projected on the sides of the buildings. Seems the Joker has vandalized the site online and the towers! Live feed for both cities is on the site. Let  me repeat I still love this marketing!

I also bought another Batman comic at books-a-million today aong other things. I felt very geeky in that section standing with only a few mostly teenage guys. But Batman Detective comic #845 was worth it. Riddler <3

Apparenly ever site ever connected with the movie that wasn't Joker related has been Jokerized.Awesome! Also,FREE TICKETS at the new site for certain cities!

Be quick,lots are already taken! None closer than 3 hours to me.Boo.


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