Tampa + 4/5th of July pictures

Jul 07, 2008 21:54

These are actually from the 5th. Drove down to Tampa(4 hours=me braindead) and I didn't take many that day. The 5th was practically a perfect day. Hanging with my gal pals at a strip of beach with water so clear you can watch all the little fishies. Then shopping at Tarpin Springs,where there are sponges every where! Then back to swim at Rach's pool and fiddle with underwater cameras and sparklers. <3 my friends. Look -> we are in my icon too! I snagged it from Rachael/

 Famous Florida palm trees.Look at how blue the sky was! Beautiful! and very hot.

 My toes. :P and the beach.

 Mandi, me, and Rach. Bikini babes extraordinaire! lol.

 me and my psychedelic bikini chillin' and listening to my Master and Commander audio book

 see how clear the water was?

 look at all the people who showed up later. And how blue that sky still is.

On the shopping!

 Rach and I got 50% off a block of soap here.I used it last night and since they forgot the lavender oil is doesn't smell great but it works pretty good. Very fragrant shop.

 ALL the sponges on that boat! They are seriously everywhere.

 trio again while shopping. People would walk in front of us then jump back for a sec as if they were getting in the way of our pictures.SO funny. We are all bunched up together and the camera is pointing backwards and they still jump. My expression went from :P to :/.

and one of the last pictures I have until my film is developed tomorrow is of Rachael's pool.Heated pool. :) WITH, a water fountain. Oh yea,very relaxing.

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