Things I Love (late night) Thursday

Jul 03, 2008 23:28

-Disney World! I just got back from a trip there. :D Much fun. I'll post more of my adventures there after I get back from seeing the same people down in Tampa for July 4th.

 I'm in the middle to balance out all the yellow. ;)

-new Dark Knight viral  marketing. :D and new poster.AND new clips.(only on youtube now apparently).

-JPEG magazine. Lots of pretty photos and stories. I've just finally read the last issue with some awesome Noir pictures.I need to remember to renew my subscription. Oh yea,I think anyone can contribute to the material.

-Alice in Wonderland. I just got a journal from to add Alice things to and pass on.Also,while getting my 2 fillings, to keep my mind of whatever the dentists were doing I was reciting poems from the book in my head.There were too many dang parts to You Are Old,Father William seriously.

-  I've recently ordered 3 things from there.I always can find such fun stuff. So far I've gotten a little camera necklace,cute 'hello' bird stationary and I'm waiting on a grab bag of zines.



-Sara Beak
I found her thru a post on and I just thought, "Damn she sounds awesome.Why have I never heard of her?!" I've been slowly browsing thru her blog and already put her book on my amazon wishlist. I've been exploring my own concept of religion lately and whether I'm still not too comfortable with the religion I was taught growing up.  I love reading other people's thoughts.If you feel comfortable, tell me about your own religion/beliefs. I'd love to get into a discussion with you.

-Photography (with film!)

 check out my Dad's ancient 35mm camera I've been experimenting with. The roll of film I found in it didn't turn out,but with only 2 pictures left on my new roll I've got my fingers crossed!


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