chaos and poll

Apr 10, 2008 17:38

Chaos is threatening to take over my brain lately. I was going nuts,so I decided to just make myself take a break and chill. I went to my school's 'International Garden area to relax and write in my journal while waiting for my laundry to finish and when I left I had written about 4 pages and I felt sooooo relaxed. It was nice. So the garden is now one of my favorite places to go-especially at night when no one else is there and I can just think and look at the stars.


Now that I've more relaxed I have to start getting back on track with my work. I have to write an essay over the weekend for English 2. I'm analysing the character of Ophelia in Hamlet. All I have so far is a basic outline so I have to jump on that,but I'm thinking it shouldn't take me more than 2 days. I also have to finish reading Endgame for scene design and start thinking of what I what the stage to look like. Luckily I have more time with that and the play is very abstract.  Then I have to start registering for next year's classes tomorrow morning. Stressful time for most students I think. I have a most of my classes picked out already but my lj friends can help me out choosing the last one I'm not sure about.

Gender and Women's Studies is subtitled Ethics,Values, & Gender. My book says it's "an introduction to value theory and ethics focusing on issues of gender and the experiences of women. Topics addressed may include equality and difference, free speech and censorship, marriage and family, love and sex, friendship, education, feminism, and the challenges of moral relativism."

History 1111 is subtitled Civilization 1 and covers the ealiest civilizations to about the 1500s. A survey of the main currents of political, religious, social, and intellectual activities of the major civilizations considered and compared.

(Gah! I see the poll when I push preview but when I tried to edit it and resave now I can't get another one to come up. :/ Just comment for now with whatever class you think I should take. Thanks in advance for helping me out. )


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