Late TiLT

Apr 11, 2008 20:53

It's a day late,but I was busy being a lazy college student. (Is that kind of an oxymoron? lol)

-Sitting in my school's International Garden at night

-The Hidden Sky musical 
(The composer finally sent me the demo cd! And Manoel Felciano is on it. <3!

-soft chocolate chip cookies

-The Prestige movie!
(I got it from Netflix and it blew my mind! After it was over I was literally staring at my computer screen going "wtf?!" :o. Great movie-magic tricks,deception,2 hot lead actors. Definitely on my "to buy" list. I order the book used from Amazon and hopefully it will be here next week. :)

  (2 posters.Awesome idea!)

-seeing the moon & stars again after the terrible grey cloudy weather Savannah has been having.

-meditating. I downloaded a free hypnosis-mp3 called “Double Induction after reading about it here -> . I've just listened to the beginning of it but it is already relaxing and kind of freaky. That doesn't seem to make sense,but if you listen to the mp3 it does. It's a man (with a great relaxing voice) talking you through medatating and relaxing,but it's like 2 different people talking at the same time! One voice is talking in your left headphone and another is saying something different in your right headphone. Apparently it's about your subconscious, but it's pretty cool.

(I'm writing my English essay on her and it's reminding me how awesomely she can be played,and how important she really is to the story. 

-Johnny Depp
(No explanations needed,right? :) but I just watched The Libertine. Freaky! But great acting and costumes and sets.



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