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Apr 05, 2008 21:39

 Today was great. 
[Yes it was good enough that my statement of it gets a line all to itself. :) ]
My mom was up here in Savannah for a Girl Scout council meeting (the last as the Savannah council before we expand and change the name *tear) but she decided to come visit me after. Even though it was a nasty grey stromy day we had fun together. I'm glad I'm still pretty close with my mom even though we have tough times understanding each other some times. We went shopping and surprisingly didn't get that much. I've been looking around for some summer dresses to add to my wardrobe and for the 2 graduations of my best friends this summer and a wedding of my Dad's friend's. Found 2 cute ones,but not quite what I was looking for so I'm waiting to see what Jacksonville has. We both ended up buying a book near the end of the day. She got one in some series she is reading and I decided to get The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (Lol,not Frost. :P) because I thought the movie was good. I'm just glad she had time to come see me. I loved just walking around and talking with her. It made me realize again how quiet I can get up here for me. I've always been pretty quiet in school, which my parents never believed when teachers told them because I would come home and talk up a storm about everything that had built up in my head during the day, but here I can't come home and do that. I think that's why I've re started writting in a physical journal again. She also brought me lots of good mail which I want to share here some time. I hope everyone else out there in lj land had a good day as well. 
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