"Pretty isn't beautiful, Pretty is what changes..."

Mar 28, 2008 22:22

May the sun bring you new energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries, may the breeze blow new strength into your being.

Apache Blessing

Today was beautiful outside. It was warm again with a breeze that kept it from getting too hot. If only the school would unblock the picnic table area they have mysteriously roped off it could have almost have been a perfect day. Instad I went grocery shopping and replied to some more letters and randoms. I sent 9 off today! I love sending random surprises to people. And I still have 2 more letter to reply too. Tomorrow looks to be good as well. I want to try and see some of the 1 act plays from the high schoolers that have invaded the theatre. A play called 'Laundry and Bourbon' caught my eye, so that's where I'll try to be at 2pm tomorrow.

The one downer came this evening,I read one of my best friends lj entries and she seems to be having a tough time. I won't spread all her business around but it made me miss her (she now lives in Tampa,Fl). I can't wait to see her this summer, but I think I'll call her tomorrow evening to see how she is and to maybe hopefully give us both a smile.
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