Tilt with pictues

Mar 27, 2008 21:26

I've stopped replying/sending letters during Spring Break and I'm just not starting to catch up with my replies. I've also been inspired to send out more random stuff and not just a postcard. I've sent out a lucky penny and poem, some pages riped from my old copy of Fellowship of the Ring and 'not all those who wander are lost' in Twengar, and red hat lady poem, and a 'big question' to a wacky site. It's so much fun.

 <--back on an envelope I sent to one of my penpals

-Elizabethtown movie
Sad and happy all at the same time. I love the relationship of Orlando Bloom and Kristin Dunst's characters talking over the phone and the road trip home. I ordered 1 of the soundtracks last week and it's nice backround music for when I'm working.

-Easter candy :)
My mom sent me some more from home and I've been snacking on M&M's and jelly beans all week.

-Realizing that I only have 1 month left of my first year at college.
It's been a tough start and it's really made me start to try and find out more about myself,but even through all the troubles I love AASU. So, even though I love it, I'm already excited for summer to be here so I can get myself out of my room more hopefully.

which leads to
-making plans for this summer!
I already have plans with my 2 best friends and thier families for all of to meet up for a long weekend at least at Disney World in June. Now that we are all 18+, I think we are going to look around Pleasure Island one night. I want to check out the Adventure's Club (dressed up acordingly).

-Batman comics
The Dark Knight movie got me to look up some comics and I'm quickly falling in love with them. I've never read them before and some of the story and artwork is really good. I have 3 coming from eBay. 

www.planetsark.com  She rocks my socks. I've downloaded 3 interviews with her and and about halfway through listening to the 2nd and I love her outlook on life. I'm definately buying more of her books as well.

-wearing my long tye-dye socks with everything. I have a bunch of pairs from softball and I've started wearing them just because they make me smile whenever I take off my shoes. :) Today I'm wearing my blue pair. 

-learning more about John Wilkes Booth and the Lincon assassination
I watched a documentary when I was home for Easter and it facinated me. I had read a page from Booth's diary a few years ago, but now I want to learn more. Once my overdue book is cleared I'm going to check out American Brutus by Michael W Kauffman.

Feel free to share with me what you are loving and/or post this in your own journal. The idea is 
galadarling's and headers are on her website.


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