My New Prius: The cat is out of the bag

Jun 19, 2006 18:57

The plan went off without a hitch. matrushkaka was a little nervous as we approached my "neighbor's" car and then completely freaked out when I sprung the door and climbed inside. After about five seconds of me yelling "get in the car! geti in the car!" and her yelling back "get out of the car, what the hell are you doing?" she stopped to consider "tongodeon wouldn't actually steal a car, and he's stealing this car, which means OMG this must be your new car!" And then there was much rejoicing.

Thanks to everyone who kept the secret, especially the backyard full of LJers at the party last Saturday. Now that I've dropped the veil-o-secrecy people not on my friends list can catch up on the whole car-buying midget-decieving back-story by following the prius tag.

Update: photos here.

prank, personal, prius

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