Presidential Humor

May 01, 2006 10:45

''The lessons of Katrina are important,'' Bush said. ''We've learned a lot here at the federal level. We're much more ready this time than we were the last time.'' ''Let's, first of all, pray there's no hurricanes,'' Bush said. ''That would be, like, step one.''

When I went to the hospital a while ago I was acquainted with the FACES Pain Scale. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how much pain are you experiencing?" The table they presented to me had numbers, frowny-faces, and written descriptions of symptoms from "no pain at all, patient is happy and alert" to "unimaginable pain, patient is screaming or unconscious". "2" was "no humor, serious, flat" aka "stop joking you asshole I'm fucking injured here".

That's how I feel about Bush's jokes these days. There are certain occasions when the humor you attempt to deliver will not be well-received. If you've just been formally condemned by a bipartisan Congressional investigation for ineffectively doing your job, jokes about your ineffective future plans and your inability to anticipate and respond to actual danger will not be considered funny except in the head-clutching-doom sense.

george w bush, katrina, politics, humor

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