Stephen Colbert at the WHCA Dinner

May 01, 2006 09:32

Stephen Colbert's speech at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner is the very definition of BALLS. It takes enough guts to do live comedy. It takes BALLS, specifically STEPHEN COLBERT'S ENORMOUS BALLS, to stand in front of the people he makes fun of every day - some of the most powerful people in America - and deliver comedy so close to truth that the whole audience sits in akward silence and he keeps going. A dead akward audience silence has never been funnier. (I didn't like the Helen Thomas bit at the end, but the main part was great.)

Here's the whole thing in three segments on YouTube.

This news article has some highlights for deafies, but since the whole thing was carried on C-Span there ought to be full transcripts somewhere.

video, politics

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