RIP, buttercup666's car

Apr 30, 2006 17:08

Last week I went up to San Francisco to spend time with matrushkaka and her friends and visit my house. I discovered this when I returned:

After a panicked "OMG is everyone OK" call to scannerman here's the story that was relayed to me:

Apparently on Saturday night one of our neighbors was stopping by their house to run in and get something. He left his car outside running. Some opportunist walking past hopped in and started driving down our street at light-speed, fast enough that it was bottoming out and shooting sparks all over the road. He eventually lost control in front of our house, smashing into buttercup666's car which was not originally parked in her driveway, before crashing into our neighbor's gray car and some other cars. Then the opportunist staggered out of the stolen car and ran away. Our neighbor followed him while calling 911, until 911 put him on hold and the opportunist started waving a pistol around. A few minutes later we heard two gunshots. Nobody ever found him.
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