iTunes Video Subtitles, Please

Feb 11, 2006 01:32

matrushkaka and I have finished the first season of Lost and we're waiting for Season 2, which is already downloadable on iTunes. We'd love to purchase it, but there's a problem - no subtitles. The FCC requires broadcast and cable to subtitle their content, that content is already present in the same broadcasts that get converted to iTunes, and I've been told that Quicktime can support subtitle tracks. If Apple wants to be an alternative to broadcast and cable TV subtitles would be a very nice addition. Apparently I am not the only person to think so. If you work at Apple and know someone who knows someone please let them know. Until then there's always the old-fashioned way: get the episodes from BitTorrent, download the subtitles from, and watch them with VLC.

apple, deaf, ipod

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