Wiki Spam

Feb 10, 2006 12:04

I recently upgraded the RMCS Wiki to MediaWiki 1.5. I also found a lot of wiki spam: hidden code that sends PageRank bumps for a whole list of prescription drugs that would probably be a useful shopping list for someone. Every edit came from a unique IP address, so blocking IPs wouldn't have worked. If you've installed a wiki you might want to disable anonymous edits, which will require your users to create themselves an account before they can spam, which will require smarter spam-bots if nothing else.

boutell's post about his support system page makes me want to figure out what the hell AJAX is (I understand it conceptually, but not technically) and whether I could make the RMCS work any better. At very least I'd like to improve the SQL schema and allow for full text searching.

Update: the MediaWiki Spam Blacklist is awesome. If you have a public MediaWiki, you should use it.


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