Okay, those of you who know me well in real life, please put down your drinks and swallow anything that you're likely to spit or choke on.
* pauses for safety *
I was at work just after 7 a.m. this morning.
* waits for gasps of shock and awe to subside *
No, I haven't been taken over by pod people.
One of my staff members needs to work odd hours for a few weeks, and staff are only supposed to be in the building if a manager is there. Said staff member is a morning person. I'm not... but I agree that early morning hours are the best time for the flex time under the circumstances, so I agreed to be there by 7 a.m. for awhile.
This is 90 minutes before our department's normal start time, and about 2.5 hours earlier than my normal start time (perk of management... I don't have to be there at 8:30 on a regular basis). This is, in fact, 15 minutes before when my alarm clock went off just last week.
And speaking of alarm clocks, in a comedy of errors my carefully laid plans to set two alarm clocks came to naught this morning. One was set but not turned on. The other (my cell phone) was set, but I didn't notice that the clock was 12 hours off. Thankfully, Chase (aka "the furry alarm clock") decided he really really needed to go out to pee at 6:27 this morning and he woke me up. An extremely fast walking of dog and showering of me had me out of the house at 10 'til 7 (five-minute showers are not my favorite thing), and after a fast stop at Panera for real coffee, I was at the office by 7:10.
I woke up for awhile over coffee, then settled into paperwork in the amazing quiet which is Wiley In The Early Morning. I've had stacks of stuff that desperately needed doing but which weren't affecting anybody but me (at least not in the sense of not being broken or on fire). During the regular workday, I get interrupted too many times to get the administrivia done. Today... I got a huge stack of purchase paperwork knocked out. One of my favorite games... how to spend big chunks of Somebody Else's Money in 90 minutes or less. :-) A few more mornings like this and I might actually be caught up.
Best part, though?
It was foggy this morning.
Really, really thick, "wrapped-in-cotton-batting" foggy. "Zombies could be two feet away and I'd never know" foggy.
It rocked.
Being up that early was almost offset by the simple act of sitting on a picnic table at the office, wrapped in the fog, enjoying the feeling of being the only person in the world while I savored my hazelnut coffee.
It's too early to say if I can actually get used to being up and working that early... but for this one morning it was pretty cool.